constituted the secure and necessary foundation, but still they did not provide the real goal of knowledge. This lay in that science which Comte called by the new name of sociology. Accordingly this science came to be for him the alpha and omega of all true philosophy. The less philosophy lost itself in the world beyond, the “transcendent,” the more perfect it would become. Philosophy can only search for and teach a “human” truth, and it attains its goal the more surely when it restricts itself to the world of mankind. But this cosmos of humanity in turn can be understood only when we resolve to go beyond physics, in the ordinary meaning of the world. What we need is not a physics of inanimate world merely but a “social physics.”The development of this is the supreme goal of positivistic philosophy. Until that is accomplished philosophy will not have fulfilled its chief task, which is to exorcise the spirit of theology and of metaphysics not only from this or that special science but from science in general, and thus assure science of a firm,”positive” foundation .Only the creation of a sociology, wrote Comte in conclusion, can restore the fundamental unity in the whole system of modern knowledge.
构成了这一稳固和必要的基础,但它们依然没有提供知识的真正目标。这就在于被孔德(Comte)赋以新名字的社会学。因此,对孔德来说,这门科学是所有真正哲学的全部。哲学在“先哲”之外的世界里迷失得越少,哲学就会越加完美。哲学只能寻找并教授某个“人类”真理,并且当哲学将自己限定在人类世界之内时,哲学就越能够实现自己的目标。但是人文学科之浩瀚反过来要求我们只有决定超越物理学、超越我们所说这个世界的普通意义时才能理解人文学科。我们现在所需要的并不仅仅是一个无生命世界的物理学,,而是一门“社会物理学。”社会物理学的发展是实证哲学的终极目标。在那个终极目标没有实现之前, 哲学也就没有完成自己的首要任务,即不仅仅是将神学思想或形而上学思想从这种或那种特定学科中驱赶出去,而是要从整个科学界中驱逐出去,由此来保证科学有一个坚实的、“积极的”基础。孔德在结尾时写道,只有通过设立社会学才能恢复现代知识整个系统中的根本统一。
The first indispensable condition for this was the realization that sociology and history no longer constituted a “state within a state,” but that there was the same inviolable conformity to law here as in all natural events. As long as this fact remained unrecognized, as long as some sort of human “freedom“was sought-----a freedom regarded as a breaking through of natural laws----sociology would be unable to make any progress. It would remain infantile, in the stage of theological or metaphysical thinking; it would be in reality not science but fetishism. We must break once for all with this superstition and proclaim the undivided sway of rigorous laws in this sphere also.”I shall bring factual proof, ”wrote Comte,” that there are just as definite laws for the development of the human race as there are for the fall of a stone.”He believed that he had discovered one of these laws, and the one absolutely fundamental, in his “law of three stages,” and he was already convinced that in a sense he had become “the Galileo of sociology.”
因此,第一个必不可缺少的条件就是要认识到,社会学与历史不再构成所谓的“国中国,” 而是像所有自然界事情一样统统遵守法则。只要这个事实还没有被认识到,只要还在追求某种人类“自由,”---一种被认为是打破自然法则的自由---那么社会学就根本无法进步。在神学或形而上学思维阶段,社会学依然很幼稚;社会学存在于现实当中,社会学不会存在于除拜物主义之外的任何科学当中。我们必须完全彻底打破这种迷信,并宣布与这个领域内的那些清规戒律彻底决裂。“我会提出实施证据的,”孔德写道,“正如石头下落要有法则可循那样,人类发展同样也要有法则可循。”他认为他已经在《三级法则》中发现了这样一个绝对根本的法则,而且他还自认为,在某种程度上,他已经成为“社会学中的伽利略。”
But we must not be deceived by this analogy between physics and sociology. Many of Comte’s followers who were most active in disseminating his ideas interpreted it as a denial of all methodological distinctions between the two sciences, as though sociology and history
构成安全和必要的基础,但他们仍然没有提供真正的目标knowledge.This在于,科学而孔德所谓的新名称sociology.Accordingl -
Ÿ这个科学后来被他的阿尔法和欧米茄手表,所有真正philosophy.The少哲学失去自己以外的世界中, “超越” ,更完善,将become.Philosophy只能搜寻和教“人”事实上,它达到的目标是更多的肯定时,限制自己对世界的人类。但是,这宇宙的人类又是可以理解的只有当我们决心超越物理,在普通意义上的世界。我们需要的是不是一个物理世界的生命,但只是一个“社会物理学。 ”发展,这是最高目标实证philosophy.Until即完成哲学将不会实现其首要任务,这就是傩精神神学和形而上学不仅从这个或那个特殊的科学,而是从科学的一般,从而保证了坚实的科学, “积极”的基础。只有建立一个社会学,写孔泰在结束发言时,可以恢复的基本统一整个系统的现代知识。
第一个必不可少的条件,这是认识到,社会学和历史不再是一个“国中之国” ,但有相同的不可侵犯符合国际法这里的所有nutural events.As只要这个事实仍然无法识别的,因为只要某种人类“自由”是寻求自由regarder -----作为冲破自然法律----社会学将不能作出任何progress.It将继续婴幼儿,在舞台的神学或形而上学的思维;这将是在现实中并不科学,而是fetishism.We必须打破一劳永逸的这个迷信和宣布分割动摇的严格的法律在这一领域也。 “我将提请事实证明写道: ”伯爵“ ,即有同样明确的法律的发展,人类因为有秋季的一块石头。 “他认为他发现了其中的一个法律,一个绝对的根本,在他的”法的三个阶段, “他已经确信,在某种意义上他已经成为“伽利略社会学。 ”