
2024-12-21 20:55:54

Construction Project Cost Management and Control
Construction enterprises (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) Department-owned projects (hereinafter referred to as the Department for the project), construction products (projects) of the direct producers, building products affect the credibility of the merits, the impact of enterprise contract engineering tasks, and is likely to endanger the survival and development of enterprises. The direct costs of building products - labor costs, materials costs, machinery costs, other direct costs and indirect costs of all occurred in the project department, which enterprises accounted for about 90% of the total cost of the above, therefore, project the level of direct costs enterprise depends on the level of cost management. Arguably, the business of construction project duration, quality determines the credibility of enterprises, the project also decided that the Department of profit and loss of profit and loss enterprise. In recent years, increasingly competitive construction market, in this form, the project's profit margin is getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, the Department of how to strengthen the project cost control and effective projects to reduce costs and improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, enterprises have become a very urgent task.
In this paper, through the construction project cost control enterprise content and features, meaning and purpose and principles of the project on cost control, pointing out that the construction project cost control in enterprises is currently the main problems and solve these problems of shallow.
Key words: Construction Enterprise Cost Management Project Cost Control


[摘 要] 《笑傲江湖》一书是金庸(查良镛)先生的一部武侠小说,这部小说最初是在1967年至1969年在《明报》上连载。正如金庸先生所说,这部小说是“企图刻画中国三千年来若干普遍现象”。本文从这部武侠小说中的隐士归隐的原因、经过、结果出发,把书中的十四位隐士分为大隐隐于朝、中隐隐于市、小隐隐于野三种类型,无论是这三种类型中的哪一种类型,这十四位隐士中的大多数,他们的命运大多是悲剧性的,要么生活得毫无自由,要么低调做人、圆滑世故,要么用生命换自由。他们的人生命运说明:人在江湖,身不由已。中国几千年来的隐士的命运也大多身不由已的,金庸先生用《笑傲江湖》中的十四位隐士经历向隐士们提出了一个选择,这个选择是就是像书中的何三七、莫大先生一样,低调做人处事,圆滑世故,行中庸之道。
[关键词] 江湖;隐士;自由