亨利詹姆斯 詹姆斯于1843年4月15口出生于纽约市。他的哥哥是哲学家威廉-詹姆斯,他
1878年,詹姆斯发表了《黛西-密勒》, 是描写一位勇敢的美国姑娘如何毁
亨利·詹姆斯(James,Henry 1843~1916)
美国作家。1843年4月15日生于纽约,1916年2月28日卒于伦敦。父兄都是美国颇具声望的哲学家。由于家境富裕,从小受到良好的教育,掌握多种语言。1862年考入哈佛大学法学院。1869年游历了英国、法国和意大利等国后,决定离开美国,移居欧洲。1875~1876年住在巴黎,结识了 屠格涅夫 、 左拉 、都德等作家。2年后迁居伦敦。1904~1905年曾回美国,1915年因不满美国在第一次世界大战初期的“中立”态度而加入英国籍。
詹姆斯从1864年起开始文学创作。1879年中篇小说《黛西·密勒》使他一举成名。小说描写美国姑娘黛西·密勒游历欧洲时的遭遇。她的天真浪漫、热情开朗的性格招来了许多误解和麻烦。最后客死他乡。小说将美国人的天真浪漫与欧洲人的世故奸诈进行了比较,肯定了前者,讽刺了后者。1881年出版的《一位女士的画像》,是他早期创作中最具代表意义的作品。小说中的女主人公伊莎贝尔从美国移居英国。在一次意大利之行中,她认识了一位长期侨居欧洲的美国人,感到他趣味高雅、修养良好,就毫不犹豫地嫁给了他。婚后发现丈夫爱的是她的财产。伊莎贝尔在经过一系列痛苦的思索之后,还是决定维持和他的婚姻。小说表现了美国资产者同欧洲封建贵族相处时相互吸引又相互抵触的主题。20世纪初,詹姆斯接连发表《鸽翼》、《使节》和《金碗》3部长篇小说,使他的创作达到高峰。《鸽翼》写一位英国记者为钱财追求一个患有不治之症的美国姑娘的故事。《使节》描绘一位高雅的法国女人对一个美国阔少所产生的难以抗拒的魅力。《金碗》通过一段继母与女婿私通的故事引发出了许多涉及道德问题的思索。这些小说大多颂扬美国资产阶级高尚的品德。它们基本以人物微妙的内心活动为主,有时冗长烦琐 ,并显得晦涩难解。詹姆斯的作品还有《波士顿人》、《卡萨玛西玛公主》、《美国人》、《波英顿的珍藏品》等。除小说外,还写过一些重要的文学评论以及剧本、游记等。詹姆斯被誉为西方现代心理分析小说的开拓者。
Roderick Hudson (1875)
Transatlantic Sketches (1875)
美国人,The American (1877)
戴茜·米勒,Daisy Miller (1878)
欧洲人,The Europeans (1878)
贵妇的肖像,The Portrait of a Lady (1881)
华盛顿广场,Washington Square (1881)
A Little Tour in France (1884)
波士顿人,The Bostonians (1886)
The Princess Casamassima (1886)
The Aspern Papers (1888)
The Tragic Muse (1890)
Guy Domville (play, 1895)
The Spoils of Poynton (1897)
What Maisie Knew (1897)
碧庐冤孽,The Turn of the Screw (1898)
In the Cage (1898)
The Awkward Age (1899)
鸽之翼,The Wings of the Dove (1902)
大使 (或译:奉使记),The Ambassadors (1903)
The Beast in the Jungle (1903)
金碗,The Golden Bowl (1904)
English Hours (1905)
The American Scene (1907)
Italian Hours (1909)
的父亲是一位古怪的百万富翁,送他们去欧洲受教育。当亨利-詹姆斯年龄还小的时候,他背部受了伤,这使他从此离开社交界,成为一名旁观者。 为了更好地观察美国,詹姆斯的一生大部分时间是在欧洲度过的(他讲一口流利的法语)。他的22部小说和113个短篇中,很多都是描写眼睛清亮的美国人如何使欧洲人乐观起来。随着创作生涯的推移,詹姆斯越来越耽于内省。他的作品根据心理探索,和他称之为“灾难的想象”而展开 1878年,詹姆斯发表了《黛西-密勒》, 是描写一位勇敢的美国姑娘如何毁于欧洲世俗的故事。《贵妇人的画像》(1881)探索了同样的主题,但有所创新。它发表后,立即被誉为作者的代表作 《螺丝在拧紧》(1898)是一部描写心理恐怖小说,这部作品像詹姆斯许多作品一样,将天真纯洁同世故的罪恶进行了对比。
Henry James, O.M. (April 15, 1843(1843-04-15) – February 28, 1916) was a U.S.-born author naturalized British in 1915. James is one of the key figures of 19th century literary realism; the fine art of his writing has led many[who?] academics to consider him the greatest master of the novel and novella form. The son of theologian Henry James, Sr., brother of the philosopher and psychologist William James and diarist Alice James, he spent much of his life in England and became a British subject shortly before his death. He is primarily known for a series of major novels in which he portrayed the encounter of America with Europe. His plots centered on personal relationships, the proper exercise of power in such relationships, and other moral questions. His method of writing from the point of view of a character within a tale allowed him to explore the phenomena of consciousness and perception, and his style in later works has been compared to impressionist painting.
James insisted that writers in Great Britain and America should be allowed the greatest freedom possible in presenting their view of the world, as French authors were. His imaginative use of point of view, interior monologue and unreliable narrators in his own novels and tales brought a new depth and interest to realistic fiction, and foreshadowed the modernist work of the twentieth century. An extraordinarily productive writer, in addition to his voluminous works of fiction he published articles and books of travel writing, biography, autobiography, and criticism, and wrote plays, some of which were performed during his lifetime with moderate success. His theatrical work is thought to have profoundly influenced his later novels and tales.