
2025-01-02 13:43:55

The planing machine uses and processes the various flat surface and groove mainly. The machine tool host moves and feeds motion to be linear motion without exception. Think that the workpiece dimension composes in reply weight comparatively the hour, the displacement from the cutter realizes host motion , the displacement realization from workpiece feeds motion , the shaper and the slotting machine are that such motion assigns a form. Planer is to adopt a working table to compose linear motion (host sport) moving back and forth with workpiece but then , the cutter assumes but blank feed the motion moving assigning a form transversely. The plane chop is to use shaper tool to do relatively rectilinear advance and return movement of level cutting job operation to workpiece. The shaper tool (or the workpiece) straight line advance and return movement is host motion when plane chop, that workpiece (or the shaper tool) moves in the perpendicularity and host direction of motion intermittence is to feed motion. Our main now what be studied has been a shaper , the shaper has been an average metal cutting machine tool , moment changing in smooth pillow has had bigger inertia to pound , has restricted host pace rise since the cutter processes (be called the empty space route or distance of travel) , wastes a working hour time opposite direction motion. But the single, operation is simple and convenient since the shaper has usage, equipment buy and keep cost in repair comparatively low, the implement being that large and medium-sized enterprises and minor individual batch of productive establishment work are maintained , give birth to a child as a result still, becomes forbidden few metal cutting machine tool middle one kinds of equipment. According to incomplete statistics: The shaper sells amounts yearly in 2007, being 3210 , magnitude of value (according to constant price in Y2K) is 98 million yuan; In 2005 month 6 7 quarters pins amounts are 1742 , magnitude of value is that value 145 is compared with the corresponding period of last year 48,630,000 yuan , among them outlet 27,530,000 yuan ,what sales volume It both increases by estimates that at home and abroad to the end of 2010, the shaper sells amounts will exceed 5600 in accumulative total. Since this kind of machine tool technology contents append value low, low, the shaper of advanced country more beneficial to scornfully producing , adding especially WTO the queen, waits for the average machine tool to utter abroad, therefore, have a marketplace we will seize this opportunity.