p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
p1:don't wait.come now. buy this pair of shoes. they are very cheaP不要等待。马上过来。来买这双鞋。它们很便宜。
p4 p5 p6:how much are they?他们多少钱
p1 :20yuan.20元
p4 p5 p6:they are so cheap . they are must very bad and uncomfortable.他们太便宜了,他们一定质量差又不舒服
p2:go go go.going to buy shoes.come come come .coming here to buy shoes.去去去,去买鞋。来来来。来这里买鞋。
p4 p5 p6:why do we come here to buy shoes?我们为什么要来你这里买鞋?
p2:because my shoes are very good and special.因为我的鞋很棒又特别
p45 p5 p6:how much are they ?他们多少钱
p4 p5p p6:oh this is a good idea to buy these shoes.
p3:don't go to p1's store.don't go to p2's store.
if you want to buy shoes.you must go to p3'store.
不要去p的店 也不要去 p2的店。你如果想买些就来 p3的店