冰雷剑 各100加满就好了嘛
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剑系 那几个可以击倒的飞剑系技能要满,还有就是倒地插的天杀决技能要满(和罗马那边的PK主要就靠这两招了,法系攻击的发招时间没别人快,还没出招就被挂了)。。。还有提高15秒物理防御和格挡的强盛防盾术和泰山防盾术要学。。。提高物理攻击那个技能你看着办了。。。 如果想PK好玩点还可以学连环剑系。。。学幻影-血浪-败天-千军(千军给对方加钝化、昏迷状态。。。让人很迟缓难受。。。普通万灵药解不了的。。。^_^)
雷系 奔雷步 瞬移之类的要学嘛。。。狮子吼,狂雷十狼阵,还有就是提高魔法攻击的雷讯贯通,以及提高躲闪率的鸣蝉。。。
冰系 主要是减缓敌方攻击速度和提高自己的物理防御力叻。。。暴雪第一式只加一级。。。暴雪第二式满。。。还有就是摄雪支魂满。。。冰气护体满。。。
本人庭树清风 60级冰雷剑 小FS 哈哈
Only for the rich have been busy, impatient to see big shots envious, and this is real life people.拜金at the time the status of money higher than all, people want to date night, glance right and left that can make any money, because people at the subconscious of what money can do more than more money in people, but Keren ignored the remark: "Finance people do not wang-wang," people make money off the rich in order to enjoy life's goal is, if people do not wang had still blessed it? "Finance people do not wang wang" the outcome is the truth, you can observe the ancestors who are rich, very rich, high-living son of tile gatehouse door offspring of the Units are not good. Some non-Sun off the root, and some descendants are fools, and some offspring begging has become Hanako, and some families, is sufficient proof that the "Finance people do not wang-wang", a lot of people said that this sentence may be afraid who have Choi wang wang the people do not? This is not妄谈, if you do not believe that real life can go visit, they can ask older elderly, those who have very rich people of the outcome of the home? They can be sustained in many financial long time? As the saying goes: "But the three generations of the rich" look to their Happy days can on behalf of more than 34?
Why is this so? Careful consideration of those who have a few really rich look from the poor, who would miss a meal of rice to the poor hair-hearted? Willing to give alms money or food with the poor? The contrary they used incorrect means go make money, oppress the poor also consider their own integrity, there is no hard falsely, hard looting, have their own fiscal days are intended by the way.
The rich as when the tree planting, it raised a long, thick sticks large root, other trees cover the sun, but also other trees to absorb nutrients, reforestation staff would be pulled out. The rich have the same stand tall and bullying the poor, and put their own money to occupy, and held up other people's days, although people do not like the uprooting of trees, as he pulled out, but God's own justice, their people do not wang the ,断子绝孙a, just as the tree was pulled out slowly, like withered dead. It also has one of a mystery, now that a lot of money can be married many daughters-in-law, many remain after, or buy a son, people are puzzled that they did not leave a person, we can see the fate of people that are not their own people.
Rich people have is that in order to enjoy life, but the really rich do not enjoy a happy life of many, one generation to generation the rich did not go on. So the only people not to go blind pursuit of money, this is not not to make money, too many people do not save, their own独吞can do more charity, the money can be treated, "River water to go, nor the poor nor rich "平平常常, children and grandchildren to enjoy well-being is blessed!
冰,学 1冰气护体(增加物理防御)。2暴学系列。3摄雪支魂,和4玄冰护体