
2024-12-26 23:38:03

1.It all depends that who can win!
2.The rabit forgot that the end was just the foot of the hill.The turtle was kicked to the end by her!
3.The rabit felt so shamed from the last competetion that she wanted to take a gamble with the turtle one more time~( 改了点 呵呵 意思是:兔子在上次比赛中觉得是那么的羞耻 她想和乌龟再比一把)
希望你能满意~~GOOD LUCK~


1 Who wins also varies?
2 Originally, the rabbit has forgotten the end point in the mountain bottom. Was she mentioned a turtle foot the end point
3 Has lost to the turtle after the previous competition rabbit, she very much was not convinced. She wants to look for the turtle compared to a match (this is the opening again, can some who help me to arrange a good spot?


1.it's still never know who gotta win
2.rabbit kick turtle to the final line because it forgot that the line just under the hill.
3.rabbit is very upset,since lose the game with turtle last time

