
2024-12-31 12:25:52

无题\x0d\x0a 李商隐\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。\x0d\x0a春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。\x0d\x0a晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒。\x0d\x0a蓬莱此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a见面的机会真是难得,分别时也难舍难分,况且又兼东风将收的暮春天气,百花残谢,更加使人伤感。春蚕结茧到死时丝才吐完,蜡烛要燃完成灰时象泪一样的蜡油才能滴干。女方早晨妆扮照镜,只担忧丰盛如云的鬓发改变颜色,青春的容颜消失。男子晚上长吟不寐,必然感到冷月侵人。对方的住处就在不远的蓬莱山,却无路可通,可望而不可即。希望有青鸟一样的使者殷勤地为我去探看情人,来往传递消息。


Li Shangyin "Untitled"
meets when difficult don't also difficult,
the east wind incapable hundred flowers are remnant.
spring the silkworm to the dead silk side,
wax candle Cheng Huilei the beginning does.
the dawn mirror but worries the silver temples to change,
the night recites should think that the moonlight is cold.
bongson this goes not multi-channel,
the messenger bird to go see attentively.



001. Poem without a Title by Li Shangyin

It's difficult for us to meet and hard to part,

The east wind is too weak to revive flowers dead.

The silkworm till its death spins silk from love-sick heart;

The candle only when burned has no tears* to shed.

At dawn she'd be afraid to see mirrored hair gray;

At night she would feel cold while I croon by moonlight.

To the three fairy hills it is not a long way.

Without the blue-bird oft fly to see her on their height?

*Note: The melted wax of a guttering candle is compared to tears.


Time was long before I met her, but is longer since we parted,

And the east wind has arisen and a hundred flowers are gone,

And the silk-worms of spring will weave until they die

And every night the candles will weep their wicks away.

Mornings in her mirror she sees her hair-cloud changing,

Yet she dares the chill of moonlight with her evening song.

...It is not so very far to her Enchanted Mountain

O blue-birds, be listening!-Bring me what she says!




Li Shangyin
Time was long before I met her, but is longer since we parted,

And the east wind has arisen and a hundred flowers are gone,

And the silk-worms of spring will weave until they die

And every night the candles will weep their wicks away.

Mornings in her mirror she sees her hair-cloud changing,

Yet she dares the chill of moonlight with her evening song.

...It is not so very far to her Enchanted Mountain

O blue-birds, be listening!-Bring me what she says!


Meets when difficult don't also difficult,
the east wind incapable hundred flowers are remnant.
Spring silkworm to dead silk Fang Jin,
Wax candle Cheng Huilei the beginning does.
Understands the mirror but to worry the silver temples to change,
the night recites should think that the moonlight is cold.
Bongson this goes not multi-channel,
the messenger bird to go see attentively.