The company group HPP Hentrich-Petschnigg & Partner belongs to Germany’s leading architecture firms and operates successfully since 1935.
HPP’s scope of activities comprises complete architectural and general planning services, focused on the realisation of office facilities, hospitals, shopping centres, sports facilities, transportation facilities, urban planning, refurbishment and revitalisation as well as interior design.
Headquarter of HPP is located at the famous Media Harbour in Düsseldorf. Further subsidiaries are in Berlin, Bucharest, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich, Stuttgart and Shanghai. Presently HPP employs more than 300 architects.
Some of the outstanding buildings of the company history are: “Thyssen Dreischeibenhaus” in Düsseldorf/ Germany, Standard Bank Centre, Johannesburg/ South Aftrica, “Europacenter” in Berlin/ Germany, “Central Station” in Leipzig/ Germany, “Tonhalle” Düsseldorf/ Germany and “Grand Hotel Kempinski” Heiligendamm/ Germany. Currently the German architects build the new luxury hotel “Breidenbacher Hof” and two of Germany’s largest malls, “Shopping Center Weiterstadt” and “Rathaus Galerie Leverkusen”.
Since 1997 in China, HPP has joined the projects of Nanjing International Trade Centre, Shanghai Expo 2010, Henkel Asia Headquarters, Qingpu Crown Hotel and many more projects.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Miss Carrie Huang at 021-3501-0410,
email: shanghai @hpp.com,
HPP的业务范围包括建筑设计和城市规划2大类, 主要致力于设计办公建筑、医院、购物中心、运动设施、交通、城市规划、改造建筑和室内设计。
公司成立以来所设计的知名建筑有:Thyssen Dreischeibenhaus,蒂森克鲁博德国总部,德国杜塞尔多夫、南非约翰内斯堡的渣打银行、德国柏林的“欧洲中心”、德国莱比锡火车站、德国杜塞尔多夫音乐厅Tonhalle和德国Heiligendamm的凯宾斯基大酒店(2007年度8峰会议召开地)。如今,德国建筑师正在设计德国杜塞尔多夫的超豪华酒店“Breidenbacher Hof”和2座德国最大的购物中心,Weiterstadt购物中心和“Rathaus Galerie Leverkusen”。
HPP会持续不断的在中国开展业务。为了保证长期稳定的发展,HPP于2006年在上海这个急速发展的大都市设立了代表处, 并指派了7名员工在此负责中国市场的开发。
电话:021-35010410,E-mail: shanghai@hpp.com , www.hpp.com
Position Required:
Assistant Architect/ Assistant Urban Planner 2-3
Being responsible for the design and relevant work of project in China, including schematic design bidding, development design, construction drawings design, etc;
Cooperate with Chief Architect in China or project director to carry out design and relevant work and report to them;
Bachelor degree in architecture or above; with relevant working experiences (working experiences in famous design institute/ famous foreign design agency are preferred; working experiences as design director/architecture director are preferred); excellent professional English/French is preferred (instant oral translation and written report are required); sufficient at professional software;
Working Location: Shanghai (Business trip in China; possible short-term working opportunities according to performance)
Salary to be discussed.
shanghai@ hpp.com(电子邮件标题请注明“应聘***”)
Please send your resume and relevant works(no more than 5M)to the following E-mail:
shanghai@ hpp.com (Please notify “Apply for ***” in your E-mail Subject)