急 高分悬赏 英文棒的大师请进!帮我翻译几句话吧

2024-12-26 17:34:03

1.生活就他妈是坨屎 我就是那根搅屎棒
life is like a shit ,and i am the stick to stir it up
2.笑 直到腹痛 哭 一直哭到笑
laugh, till you feel bellyache; cry, till you laugh
3.别跟我谈爱情 多伤钱啊
do not talk about love with me .it wastes money
young life is not for sulkiness


1.life is just a fucking heap of shit,and i'm the very stick to stir it
2.laugh,till the stomach aches;cry,till bitter laugh comes
3.don't talk to me about love.look how much love costs!
4.a young life is not for resentment


1.Life is just like a damn piece of shit; and I am the stick stiring it.

2.Laugh, till a stomachach comes; cry, till laughter comes

3.Do not mention love to me. It hurts, especially my wallet.

4.Youth is not used to carry anger.


LZ 你太有才了~~
lol ^^