Qi Baishi (or should I call him Qi White Stone), a modern Chinese painter most famous for his beginning painting at middle-age, used a host of hao on paintings, since he kept changing them over the years.
He didn’t stop with hao either; he also completely changed his first and last names, finally settling on the Qi Baishi by which he is best known. His “nomography” (I made that term up), which I have below, is a good example of how transitory a Chinese name can be (my translations):
Original surname and given name: 纯芝Chun Zhi
First hao: 渭青Green, 兰亭Orchid Pagoda
Later surname: 齐Qi
Later given name: 璜Huang
Later hao: 濒生Bordering Birth, 白石山人White Stone Mountain Person, 红豆生Red Bean Born, 木居士Wood Inhabitant…
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