It's
too
sunny
outside.
外面太晒了。
今天太阳晒得热辣辣
The
sun
is
scorching
hot
today
My
skin
tans
easily.
我的皮肤一晒就黑.
晒黑了脸
burn
one's
face
in
the
sun
我今天真的是晒黑了
I've
really
caught
the
sun
today!
这里很阴凉啊
It's
cooling
shade
here.
今天太阳好晒啊
The
sunshine
is
so
harsh
today.
外面好晒啊
It
is
so
harsh
out
there
我晒黑了
got
sunbaked
这里很阴凉啊
It's
pretty
cool
here.
楼上的几个笑死我了。。。
sunny
是
这些意思
和煦的:照到阳光的:
快活的;性情开朗亲切的:
阳光很晒人
怎么能用这个词?
还有sun很hot?哈哈哈哈。。。