Private Sub Text2_Change() '大写金额转换成阿拉伯数字金额
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim myint As Integer
Dim myint1 As Integer
Dim mydoub As Double
Dim mystr As String
Dim mystr1 As String
Dim mystr2 As String
Dim mystr3 As String
Dim mystr4 As String
Dim money As Long
Dim money1 As Integer
Dim money2 As Long
mystr = Text2.Text
myint = InStr(mystr, ".")
If myint = 0 Then
mystr = Text2.Text
mystr3 = Right(Text2.Text, Len(Text2.Text) - myint)
If mystr3 <> "" Then '转换小数位
mystr4 = Left(mystr3, 1)
mystr3 = Right(mystr3, Len(mystr3) - 1)
If mystr4 <> "0" Then
mystr2 = mystr2 + setdata(Val(mystr4)) + "角"
End If
If mystr3 <> "" Then
mystr4 = Left(mystr3, 1)
mystr2 = mystr2 + setdata(Val(mystr4)) + "分"
End If
End If
mystr = Left(Text2.Text, myint - 1)
End If
j = Len(mystr)
For i = 1 To Len(mystr) '转换整数位
money2 = Left(mystr, i)
money1 = Right(money2, 1)
If money1 = 0 Then
If j = 5 Then
If Right(mystr1, 1) <> "万" Then mystr1 = mystr1 & "万"
If Right(mystr1, 1) <> "零" And Right(money, j) > 0 Then mystr1 = mystr1 & "零"
End If
mystr1 = mystr1 & setdata(money1) + chang(j)
End If
j = j - 1
Next i
Text1.Text = mystr1 & "元" & mystr2 '显示大写
End Sub