1. 第一句话的语法和表达上没问题。
如果要表达的更明确的话,可以改成"I think Japanese is easier to learn than English"(我认为学日语比学英语容易) 或者 "I think Japanese is easier to understand than English"(我认为日语比英语更容易理解)。
2. please pour some milk into my coffee.
3. Did you seared your hand with the boiling water?
所以整句话改过来是: Did you scald your hand by the boiling water?
4. 同理,"我的手被开水烫伤了"应该是 I scalded my hand by the boiling water.
5. "裤子"在英文里常用复数表达,因为一条裤子有两个裤管(呵呵,老外是这么理解的),如 a pair of trousers 的意思是一条裤子,而不是一对裤子。
wash 和 clean 有点重复的意思,在英语上直接说 "I couldn't clean my trousers with this soap" 或者 "This soap couldn't clean my trousers".
please pour some milk into my coffee.
Did you seared your hand with the boiling water?
I seared my hand with the boiling water.
The soap couldn't wash my trouser clean.
please pour some milk into my coffee.
Did you seared your hand with the boiling water?
I seared my hand with the boiling water.
The soap couldn't wash my trouser clean.
please pour some milk into my coffee.
Did you seared your hand with the boiling water?
I seared my hand with the boiling water.
The soap couldn't wash my trouser clean.
please pour some milk into my coffee.
Did you seared your hand with the boiling water?
I seared my hand with the boiling water.
The soap couldn't wash my trouser clean.
please pour some milk into my coffee.
Did you seared your hand with the boiling water?
I seared my hand with the boiling water.
The soap couldn't wash my trouser clean.
I think Japanese more easily than English
Please help my coffee to pour some milk
Have your hands been scalded by the boiled water?
My hands have been scalded by the boiled water.
This soap can't wash clean my trousers to wash
第一句最好加 个 learning
I think learning Japanese is easier than learning English.
中文说话 可以省略的地方,英文不能省略。
第三句 seared 改成sear
最后一句 裤子 是trousers