I would like to winter vacation this year, you can go to Hainan with us, and we have Chinese New Year! You are a person to travel, we do not trust! I think the winter or travel south!
난 올해 겨울 방학, 하이난에 우리와 함께 가자, 우리는 중국 설날 갖고 싶다! 당신의 여행을 한 사람, 우리는 믿을 수가 없어! 내가 생각하는 겨울이나 여행을 남쪽으로!
I think you'd better go with us to Hainan to spend spring festival together in this winter vocation. We will worry about you if you go travelling alone. I suggest to go south in winter trip.
I would like you to accompany with us to Hai Nan province for the spring festival since we are a little worried about your single travelling. In my opinion a winter travelling is better to travel to south.