国际奥林匹克委员会(INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE 简称IOC)是一八九四年六月二十三日由顾拜旦男爵所创立的,是现存历史最悠久也最有影响力的著名国际组织之一。 International Olympic Committee (INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE referred to as IOC) is on June 23, 1894 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded, is the oldest existing and most influential one of the well-known international organizations.
国际奥委会为国际体育之最高权力及领导机构,目前由一百多位委员组成,其中除国际奥委会主席按章程任命之十位国际单项总会会长担任委员外,其余委员是由国际奥委会严格筛选并经委员大会全数通过后,派驻各国,担任体育大使工作,负责执行国际奥委会在各国家及地区的权利及义务,并担任国家奥委会与国际奥委会间之桥梁与监督之任务,任期至八十岁。 International Olympic Committee to the highest international sports authority and leadership, by more than a hundred members, in addition to the President of the International Olympic Committee by the Constitution to appoint 10 of the International Federation of the individual as a member of the president, the other members Strict screening by the International Olympic Committee members and approved by the full General Assembly after the adoption of various countries accredited as a sports ambassador, responsible for the implementation of the International Olympic Committee in various countries and regions of the rights and obligations, and served as National Olympic Committee and International Olympic Committee Between the bridge and supervision of the task, to a term of 80 years old.
国际奥委会现任主席萨马兰奇自一九八○年起担任国际奥委会主席迄今,被公认是国际最有影响力及权力的世界级体育领袖之一。 International Olympic Committee president Juan Antonio Samaranch from the incumbent in 1980 has served as Chairman of the International Olympic Committee so far, is recognized as the most influential international powers and the leader of one of the world-class sports.
国际奥林匹克委员会总部瑞士洛桑瑞士洛桑,依山濒湖,国际奥林匹克委员会总部就坐落在这个风景秀丽的城市中一幢三层楼房里。 International Olympic Committee headquarters in Locarno Shiluo Sang Sang Rui, near the mountain lake, the International Olympic Committee headquarters sits this beautiful city, a three-storey building. 楼旁林木环绕,鲜花怒放,与楼房的白砖红瓦相辉映,使这座古朴典雅的建筑,显得富丽堂皇,散发着浓郁的青春气息。 Next to the forest floor, surrounded by flowers in full bloom, and white brick building with red tiles reflect, so that the flavor of the building, looked magnificent, the distribution of the rich flavor of youth.
国际奥林匹克委员会,简称国际奥委会。 International Olympic Committee, referred to as the International Olympic Committee.
1894年成立后,总部设在巴黎。 After the founding in 1894, is headquartered in Paris.
1914年第一次世界大战爆发,为了避免战火的洗劫,1915年4月10日总部迁入这个有"国际文化城"之称的洛桑。 World War I broke out in 1914, in order to avoid the flames of war looting, April 10, 1915 the headquarters moved to the "International Cultural City" of Lausanne.
这里有奥林匹克博物馆,奥林匹克研究中心,还有以顾拜旦名字命名的大街,体育场,等等。 There are Olympic Museum, Olympic Center, also named Pierre de Coubertin to the streets, stadiums, and so on.
数十年来,洛桑为奥林匹克运动的发展,做出了重大贡献,无怪乎有人将洛桑称为"奥林匹克城"。 For decades, Lausanne for the development of the Olympic Movement, made a significant contribution, it was not surprising to Lausanne known as the "Olympic City."
国际奥委会也是在这个美好的城市逐渐发展、壮大而闻名于世的。 International Olympic Committee is also in this great city development gradually, and the growth of world-famous.
国际奥林匹克委员会宗旨和平、友谊、进步国际奥委会,是奥林匹克运动的领导机构,是一个不以营利为目的、具有法律地位和永久继承权的法人团体。 International Olympic Committee, the purpose of peace, friendship and progress of the International Olympic Committee, is the lead agency for Olympic sports, is a non-profit, has a permanent legal status and inheritance of a body corporate.
根据现代奥林匹克运动创始人顾拜旦的理想,恢复奥林匹克运动的目的,在于增强各国运动员之间的友谊与团结,促进世界和平以及各国人民之间的相互了解,发展世界体育运动。 According to Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic movement's ideals, the restoration of the Olympic movement is aimed at enhancing the friendship between athletes from various countries and unity and promote world peace among peoples, as well as mutual understanding and the development of sports in the world.
奥林匹克宪章明文规定,国际奥委会的宗旨是:鼓励组织和发展体育运动和组织竞赛;在奥林匹克理想指导下,鼓舞和领导体育运动,从而促进和加强各国运动员之间的友谊;保证按期举办奥林匹克运动会;使奥林匹克运动会无愧于由皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦男爵及其同事们恢复起来的奥林匹克运动会的光荣历史和崇高理想。 Olympic Charter expressly provides that the International Olympic Committee aims to: encourage the development of organizations and sports organizations and competition; in the spirit of the Olympic Games under the guidance, inspiration and leadership of the sport, so as to promote and strengthen the friendship between the players; held on a regular basis to ensure that the Olympic Games; so worthy of the Olympic Games by Baron Pierre de Coubertin and his colleagues to resume the glorious history of the Olympic Games and high ideals.
迄今已有百余年历史的国际奥委会,为之做出了积极努力和重大贡献。 So far, more than 100-year history of the International Olympic Committee, which has made positive efforts and important contribution.
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