班级 姓名 得分
一、 汉语拼音(8分)
1. 看拼音,写汉字。(5分)
zhān yǎng mí jué nuó dòng chóng shān jùn lǐng
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2. 给下面的词选留正确的读音,一要的请用横线划去。(3分)
肃静(xú jìn sù jìng shù jìng) 和蔼(huó ai hé ǎi hě’ǎi)
二、 汉字。(9分)
1.用部首查字法查“漫山遍野”的漫字,部首应查 ,在这个部中应查 画;“漫”字在字典中的解释有:①不过满,向外流;②淹没;③满,遍,到处都是;④没有约束。这是应选第 种解释。(2分)
2.读词语, 在书写正确那组后边打“√”如有错别字,先用斜线划去,再改正在后边括号里。(3)
(1)僚望 曾经 质朴 拘束 扭转乾坤 身临其境 ( )
(2)诞生 荡漾 鼓励 欺负 春风佛面 峰峦雄伟 ( )
(3)检阅 享受 宽敞 稳蔽 一丝不苟 排山倒海 ( )
赏( ) 厉( )、( ) lè( )
掌( ) 励( )、( ) yuè( )
1. 边的词怎样搭配才合适,请用线连起来。(6分)
发生 问题 慈祥的 要求
发现 电灯 严格的 态度
发明 变化 严肃的 面庞
2.选词填空。(3分) 鼓励 鼓舞
(1)国歌曾经( )中国人民建设新中国而艰苦奋斗。
(2)我能得到叶圣陶的指点和( ),内心的激动可想而知。
(1)反义词( ) (2)反义词( )
1. 联系课文,写出句子意思。(4分)
2. 用词造句。(6分)
3. 把排列错乱的句子理顺成一段通顺的话,在括号里标明顺序号。(6分)
( )啊,原来是张军,小队长学雷锋做好事,又赶在我们的前面了。
( )可赶进教室一看地板已经扫得干干净净了。
( )今天早上,我急急忙忙跑到学校去打扫教室。
( )不一会儿,只见一个同学端着一盆水走进教室。
( )于是,我就躲在教室外面的树林里悄悄地看。
( )我想,是谁比我还早呢?
4. 修改病句。(4 分)
(1) 看了这部电视剧,留下了深刻的印象。
(2) 这篇文章的词汇和句子都很通顺。
(3) 父亲保持阗他那经常惯有的严峻态度。
竹 石
咬 定 青 山 不 放 松,
立 根 原 在 破 岩 中。
粉 骨 碎 身 全 不 怕,
要 留 清 白 在 人 间。
彭 总 游 公 园
我也纳闷:怎么公园里看不到几个人?因为我是第一次跟彭总逛公园,没想到是我给警卫部门的那个报告引起的后果。他动怒了,我才隐约有了察觉,但还在辩解:“牌子上写的不是休息吗?”“休息?休息为什么叫我来?”彭总不但冲着我,也冲着跟在身后的公安人员:“你们这是叫我们脱离群众!你们说,是不是你们 把群众赶跑了?”
为什么要这样 我们有什么见不得人的 这么大一个公园 我们来了 别人就不能来 这种规矩 以后在我们共产党领导的国家里绝不能有 他返身走出了公园
1. 给第6自然段加上合适的标点符号。(2分)
2. 用横线勾划一年描写人物外表,用波浪线勾划一年描写内心的语句,(3分)
3. 公园为什么要闭园接待彭总?(4分)
4. 从这件事中,可以看出彭总什么样的思想品质(6分)
1. 题目:我的妈妈
2. 要求:要认真审题,要善于抓住人物特点,写好人物的外表和内心。
一, 听录音,选择你所听到的单词(10%)
( ) 1 A earphone B telephone C telescope
( ) 2 A look at B look for C look around
( ) 3 A walk B wall C was
( ) 4 A March B April C May
( ) 5 A computer B camera C cinema
( ) 6 A face B mouse C race
( ) 7 A right now B just now Cat once
( ) 8 A exercise B exciting C excited
( ) 9A the 15th of July B the 14th of June C the 17th of May
( ) 10 A turn off B take off C keep off
( )1AIt means ‘Be quiet’. B No, you can’t. C It is interesting.
( )2AIt is here. Bit was here. C Yes, it is.
( )3AI usually play football. B He usually plays football. C He usually play football.
( )4 A At a quarter past three. Bit’s on the 2nd of May. C Yes, it is.
( )5AI like going to the park. B I’m making planes. C I’ve got a backache.
( )6AThey are running .B Yes, they are. C They are in the playground.
( )7A16yuan .B60yuan. C 6 yuan.
( )8AMonday. B The 20th of September. C Ten o’clock.
( )9AThank you .B I’d like a Walkman. CI like it very much.
( )10A’No parking’ B It’s on the wall. C Yes, I can.
三 听录音,完成下列短文。(5%)
It is Day. All the students are very .SuHai and SuSang are watching the race. Su His wants to take some photos. She is
for her camera. SuYang is her.
二 笔试(75%)
一 短语翻译(10%)
片刻之前 寻找
在地上 公共标志
一卷胶卷 a mobile phone
Just now go home together
Watch a running race
二 完成句子(10%)
1We live on the ________(three) floor.
2Can you pick _________(they)up?
3All the students are very _______(exciting).
4---Where are the_________films? ---They are in my bag.
5Let ______(I) take some photos.
6He wants_______(go) swimming after lunch.
7Nancy ____________(not read) the books in the evening.
8The boy _____________(be )in the classroom just now.
9There _________a ruler and some pencils in the box.
10Look,the children _________(play)football now.
11 The girls in white shoes ________(be)YangLing.
12 .I like Pandas. He likes________(them) too.
13 .Do you ______(have ) a ball pen?
14 .We are _______(watch)the running race.
15 .She ________(be) a nice doctor.
()1---When’s your brother’s birthday?----It’s __________.
A on the 7th of July Bin the 7th of July C the 7th of July
()2---Where are your shoes?--___________.
A It’s in the bag. B They are in the bag. C it’s pretty.
()3What would you like as a present?---_________.
AI like a pair of earphones .B I’d like a pair of earphones. CI’d like one.
()4---What date is it today?---_______.
A It’s a fine day. Bit’s Wednesday. C it’s the 1st of May.
()5Can you pick__________ up for me, please?
A it’s B its Cit
()6The camera was here just now, but it ______here now.
A isn’t B wasn’t C is
()7The mobile phone ______on the desk a moment ago.
A was B were Care
()8The films ________in front of the diary just now, but they-________ in front of it now.
A are,were B were,were Cwere,aren’t
()9I have three ______.
A pair of earphones B pairs of earphones C pair of earphone
()10The diary _______there now, but it ________there just now.
A was, wasn’t B is, wasn’t C isn’t ,wasn’t
()11---Where is your new house?
--It’s ______ the cinema.
A in B near C at
()12—Where is your father?
--He is not here now. He was here ____.
A just now. B now C moment ago
()13There is a building ________the big trees.
A between B on C at
()14---What’s your hobby?---I like _________.
A take photos B take any photos C taking some photos
()15—What’s Helen________?
---Her new camera.
A looking for B looking C look for
三 连词成句(10%)
1 .Day is Sports it(.)
2 .us some let photos take(.)
3 .I public now know signs about lot a (.)
4 .like would to watch ‘Aladdin’ you(?)
5 .it shouldn’t walk means we on grass the (.)
6 .here was a it ago moment (.)
7 .Ithem can have(?)
8 .want take to I photos some(.)
9 .diary he looking his for is(.)
10 .are excited the all very students(.)
1 .I would like a toy plane as my birthday present.(对划线部分提问)
2 .The sign on the birds’ cage means ‘be quiet’.( 对划线部分提问)
3 .I can have them.(改为一般疑问句)
4 .My birthday is on the 7th of March. ( 对划线部分提问)
5 .Those are old storybooks.(改为单数句子)
6 .His father and I like swimming.(改为否定句)
7 .The mobile phone is white. ( 对划线部分提问)
8 .Su Hai wants to take some photos.( (改为一般疑问句)
9 .They were there a moment ago. (改为否定句)
10 . Nancy waters the trees every day.(改为否定句)
( )1 .Where are they now? A Sure.Here you are.
( )2 .Are they in youe bag? B .Yes,I’d like to.
( )3 .Can you pick it up for me? C .They’re on the ground.
( )4 .Would you like to come to my house? D .It’s half past three.
( )5 .What time is it now? E.No,they aren’t.
Today is a fine day. Mr Smith and his family are in the park now. On their right, there is a shop, on their left, there is a big lake(湖). There is a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says “Don’t swim in the lake!” There is a beautiful garden in the middle of the park. There are many trees in it.
( )1. Mr Smith and his family are in the school now.
( )2. Mr Smith is between the shop and the lake.
( )3. The sign says “Don’t feed the fish”.
( )4. There is a small hill in front of the lake.
( )5. There is a nice garden in the park.
Mum: Hurry up, Jim! You’ll be late for school.
Jim: I can’t find my white T-shirt, Mum. It was on my bed just now.
Mum: It’s next to the computer
Jim: Thanks! Oh, no! where are my brown trousers?
Mum: They’re on the sofa.
Jim: Now where are my socks? They were on the chair a moment ago.
Mum: They’re under your bed, Jim. Can you see them?
Jim: Yes. Oh, no!
Mum: What’s the matter?
Jim: It’s a quarter to eight. I’m late for school!
( )6. Where was Jim’s white T-shirt?
A. on his bed B. on my bed C. next to the computer
( )7. What’s the time?
A. seven forty-five B. eight fifteen C. eight forty-five
( )8. Where are Jim’s brown trousers?
A. on his bed B. on the sofa C. on the chair
( )9. What colour are Jim’s socks?
A. white B. brown C. Sorry, I don’t know.
( )10. Is Jim a careful boy?
A. Yes. B. No. C. Sorry, I don’t know.