
2024-12-12 15:23:57

Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, on December 16, 1770. About 1775, Beethoven, aged 4, was forced by his father to learn piano and violin. His father foolishly wanted to cultivate him into a Mozart prodigy by coercive means.

1770年12月16日,路德维希·凡·贝多芬出生于德国波恩。 1775年左右,4岁的贝多芬被父亲逼着学习钢琴、小提琴,其父愚蠢地想用强制性手段将他培养成莫扎特式的神童

In 1778, 8-year-old Beethoven studied the basic theory of music and organ from H. Eden, a veteran court organist, and made his first performance on the stage on August 26 of the same year.

1778年,8岁的贝多芬师从宫廷老管风琴师H·伊登学习音乐基础理论及管风琴,同年8月26日第一次登台演出 。

In 1783, Beethoven, 13, was a soloist and accompanist for the palace orchestra, but without salary. In the same year, he adapted "Piano Variations" based on Dressler's march, which was his first work officially published and published by German music publisher J. M. Gertz.

1783年,13岁的贝多芬担任宫廷乐队的古钢琴独奏与伴奏,但无薪俸;同年根据德雷斯勒的进行曲改编为《钢琴变奏曲》,这是他正式发表的第一首作品,由德国音乐出版家J·M·格茨予以出版 。

In November 1792, with the encouragement and support of Haydn and others, Beethoven, 22, left his hometown and began to learn to compose music for Haydn and settled in Vienna.











路德维希·范·贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven,1770年12月17日生於德国波恩,1827年3月26日在奥地利维也纳去世),是一位集古典主义大成,开浪漫主义先河的欧洲古典音乐作曲家。贝多芬被后人尊称为乐圣。
1770年 出身於德国城市波恩一个平民家庭,祖父原籍荷兰,后移居德国,曾任当地宫廷乐长。他的父亲是个男高音歌手,酗酒成性,母亲是宫廷御厨的女儿。贝多芬自小就显露了音乐上的才能。他名字中的「凡」(van)并非德语中的「von」,并不代表任何贵族封号,而是显示了其家乡。「路德维希」也正是他的祖父的名字。

1774年 他的父亲为了使贝多芬成为像莫扎特一样的音乐神童,强迫年少的贝多芬学习音乐和长时间的练习钢琴。

1778年 八岁的时候就开始登台演出。

1781年 跟随乐队指挥奈弗学习巴赫的《平均律钢琴曲》和作曲。

1783年 任宫廷乐队羽管键钢琴演奏家

1787年 在维也纳与莫扎特会面。

1788年 在一支歌剧院乐队里作中提琴手

1789年 在波恩大学学习

1792年 在海顿的鼓励与支持下到奥地利首都维也纳深造,艺术上进步飞快。贝多芬信仰共和,崇尚英雄,创作了有大量充满时代气息的优秀作品

1795年 他在维也纳举行了第一次音乐会,曲目是第二钢琴协奏曲,由他本人演奏钢琴。演出获得了成功。

1796年 出现耳疾先兆

1803年 完成划时代的《第三交响曲》,并准备献给拿破仑。

1804年 拿破仑称帝,贝多芬撕去了第三交响曲上写有献给拿破仑的扉页,而写上了一句话「为纪念一位伟大的人」

1808年 同时发表了第五交响曲《命运》与第六交响曲《田园》。

1809年 完成第五钢琴协奏曲《皇帝》。


1815年-1819年 经历4年的创作衰竭期。他一方面受到当时欧洲封建复辟的影响,情绪低落,一方面去收集、整理欧洲各地的民歌。

1824年 完成第九交响曲并在5月7日首演,盛况空前。

1826年 侄子卡尔自杀未遂,贝多芬精神大受打击,健康日益恶化

1827年 3月26日逝世於维也纳。

1827年 3月29日两万名维也纳市民参加了他的葬礼,当局要出动军队维持秩序。

Ludwig van Beethoven (baptized December 17, 1770 – March 26, 1827) was a German composer and pianist. He is widely regarded as one of classical music's supreme composers, and was a seminal figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in music. His reputation and genius have inspired—and in many cases intimidated—ensuing generations of composers, musicians, and audiences.

Born in Bonn, Germany, he moved to Vienna, Austria, in his early twenties, and settled there, studying with Joseph Haydn and quickly gaining a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. In his late twenties he began to lose his hearing, and yet continued to produce notable masterpieces throughout his life in the face of this personal disaster, even after his deafness became absolute. Unusually among his contemporaries, he worked as a freelance composer, arranging subscription concerts and being supported by a number of wealthy patrons who considered his gifts extraordinary.

Among his most widely-recognized works are his Third (Eroica), Fifth, Sixth (Pastoral) and Ninth (Choral) symphonies (the last containing the "Ode to Joy"), his Piano Concerto No. 5 ("Emperor"), his Violin Concerto, his Pathétique, Moonlight, and Appassionata piano sonatas, and the bagatelle Für Elise.

Beethoven was born at 515 Bongasse, Bonn, Germany, to Johann van Beethoven (1740–1792) and Magdalena Keverich van Beethoven (1744–1787). Beethoven was baptized on December 17, but his family and later teacher Johann Albrechtsberger celebrated his birthday on December 16.

Beethoven's first music teacher was his father, a musician in the Electoral court at Bonn who was apparently a harsh and unpredictable teacher. Johann would often come home from a bar in the middle of the night and pull young Ludwig out of bed to play for him and his friend. Beethoven's talent was recognized at a very early age. His first important teacher was Christian Gottlob Neefe. In 1787 young Beethoven traveled to Vienna for the first time, where he may have met and played for Mozart. He was forced to return home because his mother was dying of tuberculosis. Beethoven's mother died when he was 16, and for several years he was responsible for raising his two younger brothers because of his father's worsening alcoholism.

Beethoven moved to Vienna in 1792, where he first studied with Joseph Haydn in lieu of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who had died the previous year. Beethoven immediately established a reputation as a piano virtuoso. His first works with opus numbers, the three piano trios, appeared in 1795. He settled into the career pattern he would follow for the remainder of his life: rather than working for the church or a noble court (as most composers before him had done), he supported himself through a combination of annual stipends or single gifts from members of the aristocracy, income from public performances, concerts, and lessons, and sales of his works.

Beethoven 1820 portraitBeethoven's career as a composer is usually divided into Early, Middle, and Late periods.

In the Early peri