按我来说披头士的歌都经典 我全都喜欢 我先介绍一点吧
All my loving肯定是 在美国第一场演唱会唱的第一首歌 楼上好像没说啊
in my life
tell there was you
with a little help from my friend
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Baby you are rich man
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Money 楼上说的全是啊 都是No.1专辑的 我就不说了
个人认为好听的有 Hey Bulldogs
All Together Now
Hold me tight
nowhere man
I saw her standing there
please please me
Across the Universe
little child
Do you want to know a secret
还有很多很多啊 我就说怎么多了 有些歌可能不出名 但是绝对好听 不要只知道hey jude let it be yesterday 这样不行啊!
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Penny Lane, Baby It's You, She Loves You, We Can Work It out, I Will, Back in the U.S.S.R., Strawberry Fields Forever, Julia, The Long and Winding Road, Something, Hello Goodbye, Come Together, Oh Darling, Martha My Dear, Fool on the Hill, Across the Universe, All My Loving, And I Love Her,Yesterday, Hey Jude, Let It Be,A Day In The Life
我觉得Yellow Submarine, Hey Jude, Let it be, Yesterday
let it be
yesterday ,let it be,
i want to hold your hand