2、在公司内部,吸收有朝气和活力年轻人, 有利公司长远发展。而55岁以上的同志,有的年老体衰,智力减退,不能适应现代商业快节奏的脚步,有的占据高位,没有了发展公司的激情和动力。
4、 要看到,有很多55岁以上的人在工作上并没有受到他们的年龄的影响,而他们自己也没有要退休的意思,如果硬性规定他们退休,实际上是在剥夺他们就业的权利。
Firstly, chronological age is not always a true indicator of ability. There is a widely held belief that older people are less adeptable. This is just not true: research has shown that differences in capability are as wide within age groups as they are between them. Thus people’s suitability of position should be reflected by their performance in the jobs, rather than by the number of white hairs they have. For example, my father is 58years old, but he still is the cream of the crop in his working area.
In addition, older workers are abundant in experience. Just as the saying goes: Years bring wisdom. In some profession, which experience is really important, like doctor, old people are valuables. If company retires its older employees, it will take much more time and money to train new workers.
Moreover, most of old workers have their feet on the ground. Therefore, they can help company reduce the risk greatly in developing process.
Last but not least, giving new generation opportunities can’t be given to new generation at the cost of retiring old people who still have working ability. We ought to try our best creating more position instead of let old retired arbitrarily.
All in all, it is unreasonable to let older people retire at a definite age. Whether or not to one retire should depend on one’s working ability. The best way is to employ fresh man and study with old expert, in this way both of old and fresh men will produce a marked effect.
Firstly, chronological age is not always a true indicator of ability. There is a widely held belief that older people are less adeptable. This is just not true: research has shown that differences in capability are as wide within age groups as they are between them. Thus people’s suitability of position should be reflected by their performance in the jobs, rather than by the number of white hairs they have. For example, my father is 58years old, but he still is the cream of the crop in his working area.
In addition, older workers are abundant in experience. Just as the saying goes: Years bring wisdom. In some profession, which experience is really important, like doctor, old people are valuables. If company retires its older employees, it will take much more time and money to train new workers.
Moreover, most of old workers have their feet on the ground. Therefore, they can help company reduce the risk greatly in developing process.
Last but not least, giving new generation opportunities can’t be given to new generation at the cost of retiring old people who still have working ability. We ought to try our best creating more position instead of let old retired arbitrarily.
All in all, it is unreasonable to let older people retire at a definite age. Whether or not to one retire should depend on one’s working ability. The best way is to employ fresh man and study with old expert, in this way both of old and fresh men will produce a marked effect.