
2024-12-27 10:14:10


  写了这么多,无非在说一件事情:学习法律英语,就是学习法律;学习法律,就必须知道“what they are talking about”,要知道法律在说什么,就要找到那个议论的逻辑起点;要找到这个起点,就必须从法律的基础学起。这就是宏观学习法的全部内涵。有了基础知识,便找到了法律的逻辑起点;找到了起点,就会了解一项具体法律原则提出的.前提、意义和适用范围;这样就能学好英语国家的法律;法律通了,法律英语也就精通了。网分享法律英语合同常见词汇汇总如下:




  construction engineering and installation contract

  contract for compensation trade 补偿贸易合同

  contract of sale for commodity houses

  employment contract for legal consultant

  factoring contract 保理合同

  import and export contract

  insurance contract

  joint venture contract

  labor contract

  lease and transfer of the right to the use of land loan contract 租赁和转让土地使用权的贷款合同

  mortgage contract 抵押合同

  property management contract

  purchase contract

  warehousing contract 仓储保管合同

  agency appointment contract

  brokerage contract 居间合同

  carriage contract

  contract for construction project

  contract for loan of money

  contract for supply of power, water, gas or heat

  financial leasing contract 融资租赁合同

  gift contract 赠予契约

  leasing contract

  safe-keeping contract

  sales contract

  technology contract

  trading trust contract 行纪合同

  work-for-hire contract 承揽合同


  adoption agreement

  agency agreement

  agreement on assignment of equity interests

  articles of association/incorporation, memorandum of association

  composition agreement 和解协议

  confidentiality agreement

  contract for assignment

  divorce agreement

  escrow/deposit agreement 有条件转让协议

  financing agreement

  human agency agreement

  legacy-support agreement 遗赠扶养协议

  letter of intent 意向书

  heads of agreement

  licensing agreement

  memorandum (of understanding)

  non-compete agreement

  outsourcing agreement

  partnership agreement

  preliminary agreement 初步协议

  retainer agreement 聘用协议

  share transfer/purchase agreement

  service agreement

  security/suretyship agreement 担保协议

  stock option agreement

  supply agreement

  technical consulting agreement

  technical development agreement

  technical service agreement

  technical transfer agreement

  tenancy agreement

  venture capital management agreement 风险投资管理协议




  Dispute Resolution/Settlement

  Entirety/Entire Agreement 全部协议/完整合约


  Indemnification 赔偿

  Intellectual Property Right


  Liabilities for Breach of Contract/Default

  Miscellaneous (Other Provisions) 其他条款


  Representation and Warranties 陈述与保证

  Rights and Obligations

  Severability 合同中止条款



  (No) Waiver 弃权条款
