第 1 章
语言形状文化或文化塑造语言吗? 在我的视野中,语言是一面镜子,在哪文化被反映之前。 像一个外国语一样的一个学生主修华语, 我想要采取这一个利益讨论华人和英国人之间的文化差异。 在下列的通道中,我要详述在颜色中反映的文化差异。
以我们的语言有许多彩色字, 像是红色的,白色的,和黑色的,黄色的,和紫色的和如此往前, 哪一个被用时常。 首先,我想要介绍彩色字的通常用法。
(1)" 深处/黑暗 + 彩色字 ": 指出强壮的颜色
举例来说, 深的蓝色; 深的绿色; 黑暗的褐色; 黑暗的红色。
(2)" 点燃船搬运/栅栏 + 彩色字 ": 指出光把
举例来说, 点燃船搬运黄色的; 浅蓝色; 苍白的灰色; 苍白的白色。
(3) " 明亮的 / 富有的 / 生动的 + 彩色字 ": 指出明亮的颜色
举例来说, 明亮的/富有的/生动的红色; 明亮的/富有的/生动的黄色。
(4) " 迟钝的 / 肮脏的 + 彩色字 ":指出黑暗的颜色
举例来说, 迟钝的黄色; 迟钝的黄金; 肮脏的灰色; 肮脏的白色。
2. " 把字涂颜色 +- ish"
这一个类群指出颜色的不同色度。 一个形容词跟随被 -ish 方法 " 些微地… "
举例来说, 发白的天空, 微黄色的书树叶; 微红的脸…
3. " 彩色字 + 把字涂颜色 "
这一个式样指出颜色的混合。 先前者代表主要的颜色, 当后者的时候功能当做修正。
举例来说,红色的绿色; 绿色的黄色; 灰色的蓝色…
4. " 彩色字 + 和 + 把字涂颜色 "
第 2 章
英国人充满包含彩色字的片语。 颜色可能传达给不同文化的人的不同讯息。 由于分别的文化背景和传统,包含彩色字的一些片语已经遥远地超越他们的最初意义,形成不同的含蓄。
确实见到的红色意指? 如果他在一种蓝色的心情,他是在哪一类的心情? 他是快乐的,忧愁的, 或什么? 显然地,红色和蓝色不只是意指颜色。 每个有另外的意义-特定的文化群聚-哪一被藏在字后面。 下列的部份将会投入于特定彩色字的文化差异的讨论。
2.1 红色
在华人和英国人,红色通常与快乐的场合有关。 在日历上,我们能找假日 , 像是春天节日在红色被印刷, 被叫做 " 红字的每天 ", 当平常的时候每天在黑色中。 此外, " 把城镇漆上红色 " 将野性地庆祝, 对一个心[脏] 的内容享受自己。 另外的一个例子对 " 横摇出自红色的地毯为某人 ", 意谓提供好客的和正式的接待。
同样地,中国人传统地减少红色的对句和嵌花庆祝像婚礼和新年的场合。 此外,我们有非常出名的商标好财富的代号的 " 两倍的红色快乐 " 。
红色也有关特定的情绪。 让我们见到一些例子。
当他批评了我的工作的时候, 我真的看见红色的。
在上面的句子中,我们能猜测一些的意义, 为有中国的相等,当其余者不如此容易由华语了解的时候。 举例来说,在英国语,她的脸变红色的了或者变成红色-面对了表演困难, 当它在中国脸红做之时。 但是意义是什么见到红色而且波动一个示警红旗? 两者都建议忿怒。 前方法变成非常生气的一会儿后者方法藉由做不愉快的东西引起某人的快忿怒。
"在利率中的政府政策, 和在财务上通常, 已经被游移不定,愿望的思考,对于去年底的最可耻的类型的选举人权宜, 扭弯和矛盾作记号, 所有的适应国立国家宴会的乡下人经济学。 (Harsard 八月271981)”
在例子上方中, " 乡下人 " 被当作一个形容词使用,意谓 " 反动者 " 。 从 " 乡下人 " 源自的 " redneckery" 提及 " 反动的态度 " 。 举例来说,".。。Queenland 政府的 redneckery。。。(鱼梁 Nettheim 美国广播公司书和写作 Apr.21.1982)"
" 乡下人 " 的文字意义是红色的-脖子。 它如何被讲到 " 反动者 "? " 乡下人 " 本来意谓了 (AmE) 美国的南方农民, 通常传达贬损的意义。 现在 " 反动者 ", " 乡下人 " 的广大意义,与它的特别历史的和地理的背景有关。
"讽刺地,它是红鼻子日,数以百万计澳洲人着了红色的鼻支援深入对婴儿猝死症的研究的一天。 (新的主意。 十月71989)”
红鼻子日提到到一天在哪一个一个诉愿之上是做为被对捐赠人的塑料红色的鼻的分配作记号的深入对婴儿猝死症的研究捐赠物。 在华语,然而,没有如此的含蓄。
Language and Culture
Chapter 1
Does language shape culture or does culture shape language? In my view, language is a mirror, in front of which culture is reflected. As a student majoring in Chinese as a foreign language, I’d like to take this advantage to discuss the cultural differences between Chinese and English. In the following passage, I am going to elaborate on the cultural differences reflecting in colors.
There are many color words in our language, such as red, white, black, yellow, purple and so forth, which are used frequently. In the first place, I’d like to introduce the common usages of the color words.
1.adj.+color word
(1)"deep/dark+color words": indicating the strong color
e.g., deep blue; deep green; dark brown; dark red.
(2)"light/pale+color words": indicating the light color
e.g., light yellow; light blue; pale grey; pale white.
(3) "bright/rich/vivid+color words": indicating the bright color
e.g., bright/rich/vivid red; bright/rich/vivid yellow.
(4) "dull/dirty+color words":indicating the dark color
e.g., dull yellow; dull gold; dirty grey; dirty white.
2. "color words+-ish"
This group indicates the different shades of the color. An adjective followed by -ish means "slightly…"
e.g., whitish sky, yellowish book leaves; reddish face…
3. "color words+color words"
This pattern indicates the mixture of the color. The former stands for the main color, while the latter functions as modification.
e.g.,red green; green yellow; grey blue…
4. "color words+and+color words"
Two colors coexisting in something without being mixed form a design and color.
e.g., The dog is black and white.
She has a yellow and black car.
Chapter 2
English abounds with phrases containing color words. Colors may convey different messages to people of different cultures. Due to the respective cultural background and tradition, some phrases containing color words have far surpassed their original meanings, forming different connotations.
What does see red mean? If he is in a blue mood, what kind of mood is he in? Is he happy, sad, or what? Obviously, red and blue do not mean just the color. Each has additional meanings-certain cultural associations-that are hidden behind the word. The following part will be devoted to the discussion of cultural differences of certain color words.
2.1 Red
In both Chinese and English, red is usually associated with happy occasions. On calendar, we can find that holidays such as Spring Festival are printed in red, which is called “red-letter days”, while ordinary days are in black. Besides, “to paint the town red” is to celebrate wildly, to enjoy oneself to one’s heart’s content. Another example is to “roll out the red carpet for someone”, meaning to give a hospitable and formal reception.
Similarly, Chinese people traditionally cut red couplets and applique to celebrate occasions like wedding and New Year. Besides, We have a very famous trademark “double red happiness” (红双喜) which is symbolic of good fortune.
Red is also associated with certain emotions. Let us see a few examples.
He clenched his fist and went very red.
Her face turned red when bombarded with such an embarrassing question.
I can see that he is red with anger.
When he criticized my work, I really saw red.
The mere mention of his enemy’s name is like waving a red flag to him.
In the sentences above, we can guess the meaning of some, for there is an Chinese equivalent, while the others are not so easy to understand by Chinese. For instance, in English, her face turned red or to become red-faced shows one’s embarrassment, as it does in Chinese 脸红. But what is the meaning of see red and waving a red flag? Both suggest anger. The former means to become very angry while the latter means to cause quick anger in somebody by doing something offensive.
“Government policy in interest rates, and on finance generally, has been marked by vacillation, wishful thinking, electoral expediency of the most shameful type towards the end of last year, contortions and contradictions, all to accommodate the redneck economics of the National Country Party. (Harsard Aug.27 1981)”
In the example above, “redneck” is used as an adjective, meaning “reactionary”. “redneckery” deriving from “redneck” refers to “reactionary attitudes”. For instance, “...the redneckery of the Queenland government...(Garth Nettheim ABC Books and Writing Apr.21.1982)”
The literal meaning of “redneck” is red-neck. How is it related to “reactionary”? “redneck” originally meant (AmE) Southern farmers of U.S.A., usually carrying a derogatory meaning. Now “reactionary”, the extended meaning of “redneck”, has something to do with its special historical and geographical background.
Another example.
“Ironically, it was Red Nose Day, the day when millions of Australians donned red noses to support research into sudden infant death syndrome. (New Idea. Oct.7 1989)”
Red Nose Day refers to a day on which an appeal is made for donations for research into sudden infant death syndrome, marked by the distribution of plastic red noses to donors. In Chinese, however, there is no such connotation.
Language and Culture
Chapter 1
Does language shape culture or does culture shape language? In my view, language is a mirror, in front of which culture is reflected. As a student majoring in Chinese as a foreign language, I’d like to take this advantage to discuss the cultural differences between Chinese and English. In the following passage, I am going to elaborate on the cultural differences reflecting in colors.
There are many color words in our language, such as red, white, black, yellow, purple and so forth, which are used frequently. In the first place, I’d like to introduce the common usages of the color words.
1.adj.+color word
(1)"deep/dark+color words": indicating the strong color
e.g., deep blue; deep green; dark brown; dark red.
(2)"light/pale+color words": indicating the light color
e.g., light yellow; light blue; pale grey; pale white.
(3) "bright/rich/vivid+color words": indicating the bright color
e.g., bright/rich/vivid red; bright/rich/vivid yellow.
(4) "dull/dirty+color words":indicating the dark color
e.g., dull yellow; dull gold; dirty grey; dirty white.
2. "color words+-ish"
This group indicates the different shades of the color. An adjective followed by -ish means "slightly…"
e.g., whitish sky, yellowish book leaves; reddish face…
3. "color words+color words"
This pattern indicates the mixture of the color. The former stands for the main color, while the latter functions as modification.
e.g.,red green; green yellow; grey blue…
4. "color words+and+color words"
Two colors coexisting in something without being mixed form a design and color.
e.g., The dog is black and white.
She has a yellow and black car.
Chapter 2
English abounds with phrases containing color words. Colors may convey different messages to people of different cultures. Due to the respective cultural background and tradition, some phrases containing color words have far surpassed their original meanings, forming different connotations.
What does see red mean? If he is in a blue mood, what kind of mood is he in? Is he happy, sad, or what? Obviously, red and blue do not mean just the color. Each has additional meanings-certain cultural associations-that are hidden behind the word. The following part will be devoted to the discussion of cultural differences of certain color words.
2.1 Red
In both Chinese and English, red is usually associated with happy occasions. On calendar, we can find that holidays such as Spring Festival are printed in red, which is called “red-letter days”, while ordinary days are in black. Besides, “to paint the town red” is to celebrate wildly, to enjoy oneself to one’s heart’s content. Another example is to “roll out the red carpet for someone”, meaning to give a hospitable and formal reception.
Similarly, Chinese people traditionally cut red couplets and applique to celebrate occasions like wedding and New Year. Besides, We have a very famous trademark “double red happiness” (红双喜) which is symbolic of good fortune.
Red is also associated with certain emotions. Let us see a few examples.
He clenched his fist and went very red.
Her face turned red when bombarded with such an embarrassing question.
I can see that he is red with anger.
When he criticized my work, I really saw red.
The mere mention of his enemy’s name is like waving a red flag to him.
In the sentences above, we can guess the meaning of some, for there is an Chinese equivalent, while the others are not so easy to understand by Chinese. For instance, in English, her face turned red or to become red-faced shows one’s embarrassment, as it does in Chinese 脸红. But what is the meaning of see red and waving a red flag? Both suggest anger. The former means to become very angry while the latter means to cause quick anger in somebody by doing something offensive.
“Government policy in interest rates, and on finance generally, has been marked by vacillation, wishful thinking, electoral expediency of the most shameful type towards the end of last year, contortions and contradictions, all to accommodate the redneck economics of the National Country Party. (Harsard Aug.27 1981)”
In the example above, “redneck” is used as an adjective, meaning “reactionary”. “redneckery” deriving from “redneck” refers to “reactionary attitudes”. For instance, “...the redneckery of the Queenland government...(Garth Nettheim ABC Books and Writing Apr.21.1982)”
The literal meaning of “redneck” is red-neck. How is it related to “reactionary”? “redneck” originally meant (AmE) Southern farmers of U.S.A., usually carrying a derogatory meaning. Now “reactionary”, the extended meaning of “redneck”, has something to do with its special historical and geographical background.
Another example.
“Ironically, it was Red Nose Day, the day when millions of Australians donned red noses to support research into sudden infant death syndrome. (New Idea. Oct.7 1989)”
Red Nose Day refers to a day on which an appeal is made for donations for research into sudden infant death syndrome, marked by the distribution of plastic red noses to donors. In Chinese, however, there is no such connotation.