at school和in school的区别只有一点,就是介词不同所表示的意思不同:
1、in school表示在学校里面学习,强调主语的身份为学生,如:We study English in school.(我们在学校学英语)。
2、at school表示在学校这个地点,如:My son was at school yesterday.(我儿子昨天在学校)。
用于地方时,at指较小的地方,如指城镇时,in指较大的地方,用于省、国家、大陆前。国际大都市前用at 和in都有,但在London前通常用in。
在指说话人的住处时要用in,且一般in表示实在的存在,而at却不是。说到某大城市的某大建筑物,往往在大城市名称的前面用at,如the Pantheon at Rome。说到商店、机关、学校等,假使看作一个地点(point)用at。
假使看作一个场所(place)用in,the barber's (理发店),Green's (Green所开的店)等前面只用at,不用in。说到门牌用at,如live at 1184 Zhongshan Road,路名前面该用in,而说“在……路口”用at.
一、in school和at school的区别
"在学校"(in school)通常指某人是学生或教职工,正在参加学校的正式课程、活动或工作。例如:
"我在学校上课。" (I am in school attending classes.)
"他在学校做兼职教师。" (He works as a part-time teacher in school.)
"在校内"(at school)可以表示一个更广泛的概念,不仅涵盖正式的学习或工作环境,还包括校园上的其他活动或位置。例如:
"下午三点她会在校内图书馆帮助学生。" (She will be at the library helping students on campus at three o'clock in the afternoon.)
"我相约朋友在校内体育场晚上看比赛。" (I will meet my friends at the sports field on campus to watch the game in the evening.)
二、in school造句
1、Griffin is the first No. 1 overall selection out of Oklahoma in school history.
2、Teachers have given you your marching orders for how to support your child in school this year.
3、Cheating in school is rampant and getting worse.
学校 * 行为猖獗并日益恶化。
4、In school I had no punishment or penalty.
5、Hard study in school put John on the fair road to success.
6、The rules of grammar that you learned in school are not universal.
7、Hence there is no iodine deficiency in school children as their diet includes iodised salt.
8、My closest friend, Kim, has lost interest in school and studying.
9、Children are often taught in school the right way to cough or sneeze.
10、She takes an active part in school life.
三、at school造句
1、I was busy with friends at school and visited my parents less and less.
2、When I was at school I was always hopeless at athletics.
3、We had a history lesson at school this morning
4、We read a lot of poetry at school I remember very little now
5、At school he was always the odd man out.
6、When at school I was crazy about Ronnie.
7、At school we learn a variety of things
8、At school they have always been taught in Serbian.
9、At school I won a Scholarship and the first prize in speech contest
10、If you think about it, those children must be at school by now.
in school和at school的区别如下所示。
1. 释义区别:
- "in school" 指在学校的内部或学校的范围之内。
- "at school" 指在学校的位置或学校的周围。
- She is studying math in school.(in school)
- Tom forgot his backpack at school.(at school)
2. 用法区别:
- "in school" 表示在学校内部进行教育、学习或参与学校活动。
- "at school" 表示在学校的位置或进行与学校相关的活动。
- They have a gymnasium in school.(in school)
- The students are waiting for the bus at school.(at school)
3. 使用环境区别:
- "in school" 通常用于描述在学校的教育环境、学习或参与学校的活动。
- "at school" 通常用于描述在学校的具体位置或进行与学校相关的活动。
- She is very popular in school because of her talent in sports.(in school)
- The students are playing basketball at school during their break time.(at school)
4. 形象区别:
- "in school" 暗示着在学校的边界内部,注重的是学习、教育或学校的环境。
- "at school" 暗示着在学校的具体位置或周围,注重的是地理位置的概念。
- Sarah enjoys spending time with her friends in school.(in school)
- The parents are waiting for their children at school gate.(at school)
5. 影响范围区别:
- "in school" 涉及到在学校内部、学习环境或学校和教育相关的活动。
- "at school" 涉及到在学校的具体位置、学校周围或与学校相关的活动。
- The students are learning history in school.(in school)
- The parents are picking up their children at school's entrance gate.(at school)
首先我们来看下in school、at school的大致意思
in school:词性为短语,in school表示某人身处于学校的内部,强调在学校这个地方的位置。
at school:词性为短语,at school表示某人在学校这个地方,强调学校作为一个地点。
通过下面的表格我们了解下in school、at school的含义、发音和用法
🚀🚀🚀in school:
He is in school attending classes.
I enjoy reading in the library at school.
She is on the basketball team in school.
❗❗❗注意事项:in school强调在学校这个地点,表示在学校内部的活动或状态。
🚀🚀🚀at school:
He is at school attending classes.
I enjoy reading in the library at school.
She is on the basketball team at school.
❗❗❗注意事项:at school强调学校作为一个地点,表示在学校所发生的活动或状态。
in school和at school都表示在学校上学的意思,区别如下:
in school是把学校这个建筑物看作是一个面,不是一个点,表示在学校里面学习,相对于有工作,强调主语的身份是学生,而不是有工作的人。当学校比较大的时候,更常用in school,例如:
We are in school.
We study English in school.
My daughter is still in school. She doesn’t work
at school是把学校这个建筑物看作是一个点,即在学校这个地点,相对于在家里或在校外。当学校比较小,如中小学时,常用at school,如:
My son was at school yesterday.
My son was at nursery and my daughter was at school.
How is it going at school?