两美分(U.S. Two Cents)
五美分(U.S. Five Cents):nickel。如nickelodeon指门票(admission)五美分的影院。如Don’t nickel and dime me.【别零碎地给我,一次性付完】
一角:(U.S. One Dime):short bit。如Buddy can you spare a dime?
二十五美分(U.S. Quarter Dollar):quarter、two bits、two bit【但two-bit指廉价、低俗。如I don’t want any two-bit actors in this play. 但two cents指意见。如I’d like to throw in my two cents.】。如:
Hey Princeton! Give me a quarter!
Shave and a haircut, two bits.
五十美分(U.S. Half-dollar):four bits。如When I was a lad, it was a four-bit (fifty cents) word.
一美元(U.S. one-dollar bill):George、single、buck、clam、simoleon。如:
Dude, lend me a George, I'm jonesin' for a Hershey bar.
Can I get a five and five singles?
It cost five clams for a sandwich at the restaurant.
The guy's got more simoleons than all of us put together.
两美元(U.S. two-dollar bill):deuce、Tom、Jefferson、T.J.。如:A deuce for the hat-check girl.
五美元(U.S. five-dollar bill):five、Abe、Lincoln、fiver、fin(过时)、finif(过时)、finski(过时)、five-spot、faux Euro、nickel、fever。如:
Can I get a five and five singles?
Guy 2: how much? Guy 1: an Abe.
Could you lend me a few fivers?
I mowed the guy's lawn, and all he gave me was a fin.
That movie ticket only cost me a finif.
Can I get a five spot from you?
hey i got a fever man you right?
十美元(U.S. ten-dollar bill):ten、sawbuck【罗马数字十(X)看着像锯木头用的支撑物sawbuck】、Hamilton、ten-spot、dime、tension。如:
Slap me a sawbuck and I'll get us some beers, fella.
I need a Twomp sack but i only got Tension!
Anybody Got a Ten-Spot?
Yo im broke hook me up a little dime and I pay you back soon.
二十美元(U.S. twenty-dollar bill):twenty、double sawbuck【double sawbucks则指两张十美元钞票】、dub、Jackson、snap、twenty-banger、twomp。如:
I need a Twomp sack but i only got Tension!
You got that double sawbuck you owed me?
That CD player is like two dubs.
A jackson is a twenty dollar bill, not a cock. That's a Johnson you dumb shit.
五十美元(U.S. fifty-dollar bill):fifty、fitty、half a yard、worker bee、half C、half century。如:
Hey yo how much you paid for those jeans? Ahhh, about fittydollas.
I took him for everthing he had, Mac, which was half a yard.
The 50 dollar bag, we call that half century.
一百美元(U.S. one-hundred-dollar bill):a hundred、Benjamin、C-note【罗马数字一百(C)】、C、Benji、Franklin、Frank、century note、bill、yard、honey bee。
What is in this bag?--it's full of benjamins!
You owe me one C-Note from that loan I gave you.
Travelin' Matt had a benji stitched under a patch on his pants for emergencies.
Mia is definitely worth multiple franklins, how else would I get a milf muffstache?
Yo Rob, i heard that stuff cost you 2 yards!
I went to the casino last night and dropped a honey bee.
I got a couple of century notes for driving these guys home from the bank.
Them Nikes cost over a bill.
一千美元(没有对应的钞票):large【银行业】、K【源自kilo】、grand、stack、G【源自grand】、big one、bundle、rack。如:
That'll cost you ten big ones!
I paid 5K.
That mope owes Joey 50 large.
I paid 20 grand for that truck and now it's ruined.
Let me borrow a G.
Yo, I only gotta stack to play wit for the weekend.
It costs at least a rack to get slugged out with plattinum, ya dig.
一万美元(没有对应的钞票):rack、dime。如Those cops pinched a dime off me when I was in.
现行钞票 【$1】 ◎正面:美国第1任总统乔治·华盛顿 ◎背面:左侧的金字塔黑暗的一面朝向西方,表示当时蛮荒未被探索过的北美西部。金字塔上方是一个全视之眼图案,这象征了虽然美国的建设还没有完成,但在上帝的帮助下,目标一定会达到。右侧是美国国徽。 【$2】 ◎正面:美国第3任总统托马斯·杰弗逊 ◎背面:油画《独立宣言》 【$5】 ◎正面:美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯 ◎背面:林肯纪念堂 【$10】 ◎正面:美国第一任财政部长亚历山大·汉密尔顿 ◎背面:美国财务省 【$20】 ◎正面:美国第7任总统安德鲁·杰克逊 ◎背面:白宫 【$50】 ◎正面:美国第18任总统尤利西斯·辛普森·格兰特 ◎背面:美国国会 【$100】 ◎正面:美国政治家、外交官、作家、科学家本杰明·富兰克林 ◎背面:费城独立纪念堂