
2024-12-15 11:12:27

1. Make an appointment with Mr. Smith for a meeting at 10:00 a.m. next Tuesday. (a. Greet Mr Smith, b. suggest an appointment, and c. fix the time and place with him.)

Nice to meet you, Mr Smith. how is everything going on with you ? There will be a meeting held
at our company meeting room at 10:00 a.m next Tuesday,I would like to invite you to attend the meeting

2. A colleague, Mike, is wanted on the phone. But he is not in his seat. Tell the caller the situation and offer to takea message.

Hello, I'm sorry to tell you mike is not here. His just forgot his mobile phone here. Can I take a message for you?

3. The weekend is coming. Suggest an activity and invite your friend Kate to go with you. (a. say hello to Kate, B.mention the weekend, c. suggest an activity, and d. invite Kate to go with you.)

hello,kate.The weekend is coming.we are planning to go staking.Would you like to join us ?

4. Please tell what the major parts of a computer are.

Key elements in a computer include the CPU,memory,input devices and output devices.

5. Please introduce yourself (please tell your name, hometown, major, hobbies, etc.)

My name is ***. My hometown is in ***. I am 20 years old this year. I am learning the software development. My hobby is playing basketball. I was an ordinary college student. That is all, Thanks.


你要做什么?1. 第v.部分。 口头表达: 在这个部分您需要自我表达在5个特定情景。 在您读了指示之后,您能按记录按钮和开始您的谈话。 当您完成了时,按停止键。 您能听您的谈话通过按戏剧按钮。 如果您满意对最新版,新闻递交; 如果不,您能再记录。 您能为每个情景两次只记录。 您有10分钟为这part。 请注意期限,并且及时递交。 1. 定一次约会与先生。 史密斯为一次会议在10:00上午。 下星期二。 (a。 招呼史密斯, b.先生。 建议任命和c。 固定时间和地点与他。) 2. 同事,麦克,在电话被要。 但他不是在他的位子。 告诉访问者情况并且为takea消息提供。 3. 周末来临。 建议活动并且邀请您的朋友Kate去与您。 (a。 对Kate, B.mention说你好周末, c。 建议活动和d。 邀请Kate去与您。) 4. 请告诉什么计算机的大部分是。 5. 请自我介绍(请告诉您的名字、故乡、少校、爱好等等)