The first time cooking
In our growth path, there will be many first time. When wetried at the same time, also give us life to grow up a trial.Each and every one of these "first" like life in the stone, fillour growth path; like a wise man, gave us "second"experience; as a warning sign, always reminding us; as a pen,write us -- "the first" life.
What impressed me most is the first time that cook. That day,my mother was not at home, I want to make my lunch time,mother came home to see will boast me. Just do it, I will first list a menu: fried cabbage, tomato scrambled egg. First fried cabbage. I stand a good pot, pour the oil, began to cut the cabbage. Cut, I am satisfied at this group of "crooked melonjujube pot.". I put the fire on a chorus, just take the spatulaheard pitter patter. I frighten hurriedly threw a shovel will go down. Sound a little, I stood up and saw need need God, dark things bounce, everywhere, what Michi Kosato, the ground,the window, lampblack machine, even to me need to need tolook carefully, ah! This is not my cabbage? What I need is inneed fried cabbage
No time to organize the kitchen, I dropped that is almost stuck in my head "coal", and then start another dish -- scrambled egg with tomato. Ha ha, tomato scrambled egg I have seenmy mother to do many times, should be able to do good. Well,I should need need to frame a pot, pick up a shovel, I took out two egg from the fridge. I gently to the side of the bowl hit, notbroken; I then gently hit, not broken; I do not give up, and hitit, ha ha, no broken need need need need my anger I picked two egg tried to the bowl edge drop, broken broken to piecesneed need egg yolk, need need ah ah egg shell paste or something in my hand. I need to need to beat two egg, tube itwhat kind of directly under the pot, time is up. I cut a tomatoversion of the "crooked melon, jujube", looked at the lovelyyoung and big pot. This time, I learned my lesson last time,the smaller the fire. Then I put a little sugar, and put the "little water", yes, is "point". A pot of fragrant, flavor not wholetomatoes fried with egg shell on the pan need need needneed to be full of a basin, a basin full need need need need abowl ah ah ah need a basin need need need need needneed need basin ah ah
I have two copies of "five star" the dishes on the table, readyto eat but not need need need need last mouth, I cover my face, like the kitchen pass by World War II, the head of ablack cloud, depressed back to my nest to the need needbread
We have a "first" happy happy, crying with laughter.Whatever the outcome, it is your most precious wealth, this isyour best score. These "first" with every time you the mosteffort to tell you: you are successful, you have filled in abucket in your life