蒙哥马利Here we will stand and fight. 我们将在这里并肩战斗。Prepare well before striking. 战前准备须充分。My secrets are ours. 我的秘密就是我们所有人的。We must win this together! 我们只有团结才能胜利!
韦维尔Time to take the wall to the enemy! 是抗击敌人的时候了!We can always rebuild with bombed. 我们总能在轰炸之后重建家园。We can not afford a defeat. 我们承担不起失败。温盖特(大舌头,我就听出一句)Show the enemy no mercy. 对敌人没有慈悲可言。
凯瑟琳(精彩啊!! 可惜有些不确定,不发了)Love of the fatherland, loyalty of the state make the excellent soldiers. 对祖国的忠诚和热爱造就了杰出的士兵。.曼施坦因Be sure you'll win to fight. 不战则已,战则必胜。Courage to the fatherland. 祖国需要你的勇气。You are the soldier of history. 你是历史的战士。(条顿精神?)Your nation depends on your striking. 祖国依靠于你的进攻。
隆美尔(同样精彩,比起凯瑟琳有过之无不及)In the absense of order,go to find something and kill it! 没有命令的时候,就自己去找点东西杀!Don't fight a battle if you don't give anything by willing. 如果你不主动让出某些东西那就干脆别打了。Get moving or I will take command myself. 不断前进,否则我将亲自指挥!The enemy must be annhilated! 敌人必须被歼灭!Don't look left or height,only fall them! 别管那么多,只管放手进攻!!伦德斯泰特(跟温盖特一个毛病)The fuhrer is watching! 元首正注视着你!The fatherland supports brave soldiers. 祖国支持勇敢的士兵。Do not fear the enemy. 不要害怕敌人。
栗林忠道(军国主义狂热分子)To die for the emporor is a great honor. 效忠天皇而死是无上的荣耀。We'll fight to the last. 我们将战斗到最后一刻。There can be only victory. 只有胜利,没有第二条路。Find you enemy and strike him. 找到你的敌人,突击之。三川军一(我最喜欢用的将军~Rush王)Fight with honor. 带着荣耀而战。Give the enemy no quarter. 不给敌人任何时机。(Rush的精髓啊!!!)Strike first,and strike honorly. 抢先带着荣誉攻击!(又是Rush精髓)南云忠一Mashall you forces for the battle than madness. 带领你的部队去战斗,而不是做一些疯狂的事情!(看得出来他很了解日本兵的癖好)You have been entrusted with the great worth of the relatives. 你的家人宝贵的生命寄托于你!(真TM狠) Destroy the enemy for we save~ (语气很飘逸,但是不好理解呀)We will show them no mercy! (我承认你比英国大舌头做得好。。。)The emporor's honor must be protected. 天皇的荣耀必须受到维护。SB56The fate of the empire depends on you! 帝国的命运掌握在你的手中!(战略家啊,境界就不一样,南云泪流满面)Bring a shame uppon the enemy. 给敌人带去耻辱。We'll catch them unprepared. 我们将在他们准备好之前得手。(日本果然有Rush的传统)
I vow to you, Adolf Hitler as führer and Chancellor of the Reich,my loyalty and courage.I swear to you,and those you have personally named in authority over me.obedience unto death.So help me God.
崔可夫(这人口齿不清)You must not fear Barbarossa. 你绝对不要害怕巴巴罗沙。Controled these guys,controled the battle! 控制好这些家伙(应该是指士兵),就是控制了战局!科涅夫(更不清!)The glory of the revolution must continue. 十月革命的光荣要继续下去。Mother Russia call Japan as sons! 苏联祖国管日本人叫儿子。(说得好)罗科索夫斯基Our numbers will overrun the Germans. 我们的数量将超过德国人(废话)。。。The Mother Russia is behind you. 祖国母亲在你身后。朱可夫(英语太差)Fight to the last drop of blood! 战斗到最后一滴血!
I vow to you, Adolf Hitler as führer and Chancellor of the Reich,my loyalty and courage.I swear to you,and those you have personally named in authority over me.obedience unto death.So help me God. The mild Barbarossa is behind you. 可爱的巴巴罗萨先生在你身后呢。(= =#)
Air power is a key to vitory. 空中力量是通向胜利的钥匙。You nation depends on you. (说滥了……)艾森豪威尔Do not waste the light of your troopers. 不要浪费你的士兵的见解。Your test will not be an easy one. 你的考验将是不简单的。The grandeurs must protect freedom. 伟人必须保护自由。尼米兹(不知为啥听不出来)We will do,what must be done. 我们所要做的,一定要做到。Let us have the courage never to give up. 让我们拥有永不放弃的勇气。巴顿(不太确定的都不发了)Always attack,never defend! 不断进攻,绝不防守!Do you best,that's all I hoped. 尽你的力量,这就是我的全部希望。Whether they are swept , whether we go out. 要么敌人被赶出去,要么我们自己被逐出。All soldiers avail the world by dying for the country. 士兵们,为国捐躯来拯救世界。