How to choice of continue to study and started on your work 继续学习和开始你的工作之间将要如何选择 I think that if you were have enough money in your home,continued to study.It will help you get more.If you were a good learner,and your family can support you to study.I think study more will be better.Perhaps studied didn't make you to be rich in the future,but I think that it will help you more,like your think about something way,the wide of the knowledge will help you in your future,but studied's body doesn't only support to make you rich .Many history,geography,phychology,Chinese,art and so on,I think that it will useful,but not now,perhaps you can't see it,but one day you will grateful to yourself.I hope that you also need to study some how to earn some extra time,looks like do your own business,perhaps did some part time job to raise yourself,I also think about that it was a good idea. 我想如果你家里有足够的钱供应你上学,继续学习我想会不失与一个好主意.它将会帮助你获得的更多.如果你是一个好的学习者,并且你的家里人都支持你学习.我想学习的更多当然是最好的了.或许学习不会让你的将来变得更加的富有,但是学习的本身不仅仅是为了变得有钱.许多的历史,地理,心理学,语文,艺术等等,我觉得他们一定会对你的将来有所帮助,只是现在的你可能看不到这些帮助,但是,它一定在将来会让你感激你自己的付出.如果你有额外的时间,我希望你也可以去学一些做自己的生意,或许做一些兼职来养活你自己,赚取一些生活费我都觉得会是一个不错的主意. Abviously speaking,If you weren't a good learner,I hope that you can think about go out to do your work,it also very useful and more you more experience,how to deal with to your colleague,how to do your work to be efficiently?Even can give you some extra money to raise your life. 相反的来说,如果你不是一个很好的学习者,我希望你能够考虑外出去工作,它也非常的有用并且你也将会有更多的经验,如何和你的同事相处,如何有效率的工作?甚至给你一些额外的钱来养活你自己. Continue to study and started on your work,I have already helped you to analyse clearly.I hope I can help you,but still make yourself to decided. 继续学习或者开始你的工作,我已经帮助你分析的很清楚了.我希望我能够帮助你,但是,还是让你自己去决定吧.