行政部:Administration Dept.
人事部:Human Resource Dept.
业务部:Business/Operation Dept.
财务部:Finance Dept.
市场部:Marketing/Sales Dept.(公司规模不大的一般用后一种)
设计部 :Design Dept.
【如果是制造业,一般叫研发部R&D(research and development) Dept.】
广告小组:Ad Group/Section
调查小组:Investigation Group/Section
企划小组:Planning Group/Section
Administration Department, Ministry of Personnel,
the Department of Business,
the Department of Finance,
Marketing Department,
the Department of Design
advertising group
investigation team
planning group
行政部:Administration Department
人事部:The Ministry of Personnel
业务部:Business Unit
财务部:Finance Department
设计部 :Department of Design
广告小组:Ad Group
调查小组:Investigation Panel
企划小组:Planning Group