Stomach pain can be caused by various diseases, but the most common disease is chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer, due to the development of these two kinds of disease is a chronic defer of volatility, painless or recurrent disease easily, so the diet is especially important to the stomach pain, stomach pain patients dietary requirements are as follows:
1, the first thing to correct bad eating habits. Feed more delicate, eat less fat and all kinds of excitant food, such as alcohol and spicy food. Beware of too much acid in the food, too sweet, salty, bitter, too, cannot make five tastes have partial addicted. Patients with smoking habits, should give up smoking.
2, diet, timing quantitative. Stomach pain for a long time of patients daily meals or snacks should be time, interval time should be reasonable. Patients with acute stomach should eat much food less as far as possible, should eat less or don't eat snacks at ordinary times, to alleviate the burden of the stomach.
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