雁荡山位于中国东南温州市境和台州市南部。《载敬堂集》载:“雁荡山以瓯江自然断裂,分北雁荡山和南雁荡山。2005年2月,有‘古火山立体模型’之称的雁荡山被联合国教科文组织评为世界地质公园,以该公园管理机构和地质展示馆均在北雁荡山等因,北雁荡山或捷称雁荡山。”距杭州297公里,温州68公里。始开发于南北朝,兴于唐,盛于宋,素有“寰中绝胜”、“海上名山”之誉,史称“东南第一山”。广义的雁荡山景观,自北而南包括温岭的方山景区,乐清的显胜门景区、二灵景区、大龙湫景区,平阳的明王峰景区、石城景区和东西洞景区等。Yandang Mountain is located in Southeast China's Wenzhou city and the southern city of Taizhou. " Load to hall collection" set: " Yandang Mountain to the natural fracture, divided into North and South Yandang Mountain Yandang Mountain. In 2005 February, with ' ancient volcano model ' called the Yandang Mountain by UNESCO as world geological park, the park management mechanism and geological exhibition hall in the North Yandang Mountain, Yandang Mountain or Yandang Mountain north of Czech republic." 297 km from Hangzhou, 68 km from Wenzhou. Initial development in the northern and Southern Dynasties, Xing Yu Tang, sung in the song, known as "Atlas of great wins"," sea mountain" reputation, known as" the first mountain in southeast". Generalized Yandang Mountain landscape, from north to South Mountain scenic area includes Wenling, Yueqing a significant victory Gate Scenic Area, scenic spots, two Ling Da Long pool, Pingyang Ming peak area, Rock Scenic Area and hole scenic area..