one, international trade (International Trade) The international trade also called “the world trade”, makes a general reference the international commodity and the service (or cargo, knowledge and service) exchange. It by various countries (area) the foreign trade constitutes, is various countries foreign trade sum total. The international trade has occurred in the slave society and the feudal society, and along with production development, but expands gradually. To the capitalist society, its unprecedented scale expands, has the worldwide basis. the two, foreign trade (Foreign Trade) the foreign trade also said that “the foreign trade” or “the import-export trade”, is refers to a country (area) and another country (area) between commodity and the service exchange. This kind of trade by imports and exports two parts to be composed. To imported the commodity or the service country (area), was imports; To shipped out the commodity or the service country (area), was exports. This starts in the slave society and the feudal society to produce and to develop, to the capitalist society, the development is more rapid. Its nature and the function decided by the different social system.
International economy and trade characteristic:
The international trade and the domestic trade compare, both has certain general character, and has own characteristic. Its general character performance is: Both in the society reproduces the status to be the same, occupies the society to reproduce the exchange link, realizes the commodity value through the commodity exchange, has the common commodity mode of motion, commodity economy rule influence and restriction. Both's difference lies in: The domestic trade is occurs in a country interior or national economy scope commodity exchange; The international trade crosses commodity exchange which the national boundary, the superhigh national economy scope carry on. The national boundary delimited the explicit boundary for both.
In the development domestic trade, the domestic market aspect, the national establishment, the economic policy, the currency system, the tax revenue system as well as the legal regime and so on unification, has guaranteed the commodity free flow and the domestic identical market formation around the country. But in international scope, because various countries' productive forces development's level is different, the social economy system is different, thus carries out the economic policy and the foreign trade policy are also different, therefore, the national boundary becomes one kind of hindrance circulation of commodities objectively the factor. Surmounts commodity exchange which the national boundary carries on, joins into a worldwide scale various countries' national economy the mutual connection, the interdependence economical whole, but the national boundary divides this whole a relatively independent each one national economy scope, this is a contradiction. Was precisely this contradiction had decided the international trade was different with the domestic trade characteristic.
1. the state intervention, limit strict the international trade's main body has the ambiguity, namely the individual main body and the national main body, it is not only between the manufacturer and the manufacturer trade, is also between national and the national trade. The country to maintain the balance of international payment, protects the national industry development as well as the guarantee normal social life order and so on, often takes some policies and measures to carry on the intervention to the international trade, either encourages the export, either limit import. Various countries' government sets up has the customs, all import-export goods must pass through the customs, accepts the customs supervision and the payment essential taxes and fees. Otherwise smuggles, is illegal. Because international trade state intervention, therefore we in foreign trade time, must pay attention to the understanding, the research related country foreign trade policies and measures, is advantageous works out the import-export goods plan well. the 2. situation is complex, risk very big the international trade is surmounts the national boundary to carry on, meets the question are already many and is complex, from this brings the trade risks also domestic are much bigger. Compared with remarkable has following several kinds: (1) credit risks. Here said the credit risks, are mainly refer to Qian Huo the unclear risk. In the international trade, trades from the consultation to works out the contract, arrives at the seller to deliver again, the buyer payment, needs to pass through period of quite long time. , Round turns' financial situation possibly changes, sometimes endangers honors an agreement, causes the losses to opposite party. At the same time, the seller delivers, the buyer payment to have the time difference, possibly appeared delivers could not receive the funds, or could not the full amount receive the funds on time; Also possibly appeared pays money has received does not receipt, or received the cargo did not meet the contract requirement. This kind of matter sometimes occurs. Once has this kind of matter, both sides in the different country, file the lawsuit to be quite troublesome. In order to dodge the credit risks, in the international trade uses the letter of credit to settle accounts generally, namely introduces the bank credit between the bilateral delivery and the payment. But this cannot avoid the risk absolutely.
(2) exchange rate risk. This is refers to, because the currency value is unstable, from worked out the contract to the deal period exchange rate change the loss which brought to the swapper. In international trade, because various countries currency system is different, the round turns have a side to want surely to use the foreign currency to carry on the valuation, the settlement and the payment, this had two kind of currencies to carry on the exchange according to what kind of ratio the question. Thus, from works out the contract to the payment loans period exchange rate change, definitely will give swapper's some side to bring cargo itself outside the exchange loss. Exchange rate risk, not only direct relation trade litigant's and loss success and failure, will give related national the import-export trade, the international payment balance, the international reserves, the price and so on to bring advantageous or the disadvantageous influence. Therefore, when consultation transaction, with any currency valuation, the settlement, the payment is the question which the swapper must consider earnestly. (3) price risk. This is refers to from works out the contract swapper's loss which arrives at destination period to the cargo to have the change of price which causes. For instance, after working out the contract, if before the seller stocks with goods, cargo rise in price, then the seller must undertake the risk; If after the buyer receives the cargo, cargo recession in price, then the buyer must undertake the risk. Certainly, otherwise also possibly brings the benefit. But, a side benefit, also often is opposite party loss. In the international trade, receives the cargo from promising to the seller inventory and the buyer often to require long period of time, but in world market's commodity price is changes frequently, therefore this kind of risk, is opposite in the domestic trade says, is much more prominent. And, the international trade many are large amount business, this causes the price risk which both sides face to be bigger. (4) transportation risk. This is refers to the cargo to come across the burst characteristics event on the way in the transportation the risk, like the storm attack, the war, the transport means breakdown and so on causes the cargo loses the loss which or the extension arrives creates. Certainly, also has the transportation risk in the domestic trade, but in international trade's transport mileage generally domestic is much more remote than, and the situation is also much more complex, therefore its transportation risk is also much bigger. In order to dodge the transportation risk, in the international trade requests to take out insurance generally the goods traffic danger, even if has taken out insurance the goods traffic danger, some risks possibly still needed to undertake by swapper.
(5) political risk. This is mainly refers to the trade partner country to have the turmoil or the revolution, the government changes, the policy change as well as the relations between the two countries worsens and so on political reasons suddenly the loss which creates to the swapper. the 3. skilled person like forest, competition intense the international trade and the domestic trade compared, had the broader spatial scope, on the one hand this was advantageous to the manufacturer unearths the resources in a greater scope, opened the market, on the other hand also caused the competition which it met to be more intense. In the international trade, the match which will meet are more, is stronger, specially developed country competitor, their middle many manufacturers, regardless in the capital strength, the management tool and the technical level resides in the superiority. In the international trade, the competition method which will meet are also more, is more complex, not only relies on the individual strength the competition, and has the national support; Not only has the price competition, and has the non-price competition, each method complex complex. At the same time, after our country joins World Trade Organization, must further opening to the outside world domestic market, we not only meet “walks” the competition, will also face the competition which introduces. Domestic and the foreign market will merge into one organic whole gradually, in the exceptionally intense world market, how China's manufacturer will enhance strong points and avoid weaknesses, enhances the competitive power will be should consider earnestly, should want the necessary mental preparation.
4. the local restriction, demand diverse in the international trade, as a result of the various countries' economic development, the manners and customs, the religious belief and the cultural tradition and so on was dissimilar, has formed in the international market the differ in thousands of ways demand characteristic. This is also the manufacturer must pay attention in the foreign trade. (1) economic development level to market influence. The different type's country, the market absorption capacity is dissimilar. Generally speaking, the economically advanced country, has high characteristics and so on income, high consumption, high welfare, their purchasing power is also high, the scale is big, the capacity is big; The developing country purchasing power is low, the market absorption capacity is inferior to the developed country far. At the same time, the different type's country, to the commodity demand's quality, the scale is dissimilar. Generally speaking, developed country's most consumers have solved the food and shelter problem, lives pursues enjoys, to commodity demand performance for high grade, high scale and high-quality service; The developing country most consumers first want to solve the survival or the food and shelter problem, more favors to the commodity demand for the economy is suitable. (2) manners and customs, religious belief to market influence. The different country, the nationality have the different manners and customs and the religious belief, this manifests for the different market environment, has decided the market demand characteristic. For instance, the Japanese likes eating the loach, but the eel actually difficult to sell in the Japanese market; Likes eating the river eel, but the eel canned food does not need. Also like, panda in world popular, but cannot have the panda design, the trademark commodity to lose toward the Islamic nation, they regard as the panda with the pig resemble, abstained from very much. So forth, explained that must pay attention to the understanding trade partner country's in the international trade the custom public sentiment, the religious belief, must on-the-spot investigation, not be able to take for granted. (3) culture tradition to market influence. Cultural tradition to market influence, main performance for language, writing, design, color, digit and so on to market influence. For instance, must note the language a word to be equivocal, each country, area to language different explanation and idiomatic usage; Must note the different country, the area to the design, the color to like or the taboo differently; Must note the digit the use, some digit in some countries, the area receive welcome, some digit need to avoid
Country economy and trade development prospect:
Take the trade globalization as important content's economic globalization, has had the profound influence to our country economy and the commercial development. Analyzes and grasps the current international trade thoroughly the trend of development and the characteristic, regarding our macro-scientific policy-making, in the wide range, a broader domain and in the top level participates in the international economic cooperation and the competition, the initiative use economic globalization brings each kind of opportunity, has the very vital significance.