I just went to see this webpage collagen products, this product is very popular in Thailand, and only have to sell, in the drugstore is? I want to ask that there is no trial installation? Apply online? Want to try. If you have the opportunity to go to Thailand, consider buying a box of food. By the way this is what taste?我刚刚去网页看了这个胶原蛋白的产品介绍,在泰国这个产品很热门呀,而且只能在药店有卖,是吗?我想问这个有试用装的没?网上有申请吗?想先试试。如果有机会去泰国的话考虑买盒吃吃。顺便问一下这个是什么口味的? 希望能帮到你!望采纳!O(∩_∩)O~
I searched this product called collagen for detailed instructions just now,finding it very popular in Thailand.It is sold only in drug stores,isn't it?And I want to know whether this product is on trial,whether I can apply for a trial through the Internet.If there is ,I would like to have a try and will possiblly buy some when I get a chance to go to Thailand.By the way,what does it taste like?
I just saw this collagen product at a website, it is very hot(popular) in Thailand, and it is only available stores, is it(right)? I want to ask(know) if there are samples? Can I apply online? I want to try it first. If I get the chance to go to Thailand, I would definitely think about buying(purchasing) one. Also may I ask what flavor is it?