
2024-12-16 17:53:21

我们与金融部门讨论后,由于监控风险他们暂不接受balance payment aftergoods are delivered这种付款方式。然而为了感谢你对我的支持,我们同意接受你的订单以15% deposit and 85% balance before shipment。你也不需要一次性支付3round订单15%定金,如这一轮订单,你只需要付15%定金给我们在这个月内,剩下的尾款请在7月20号左右付款即可。谢谢。


  • We have discussed this with financial department, the conclusion is they currently cannot accept the solution as "balance payment aftergoods are delivered" due to risk monitoring. Good news for you is that to show gratitude to your always support, we'd like to accept the one as 15% deposit and 85% balance before shipment. You also are not requested to pay 15% down payment at a time for the 3round ordering,Going back to the ordering this time, you only need to pay 15% down payment within this month, as for the rest amount, the deadline is around Jul. 20th. Please be noted as above and thanks in advance.


After the discussion with finance department, they refused to accept the payment method of making balance payment after delivery due to risk control concern. Howevr, we are still willing to accept your order with the payment terms of 15% deposit plus 85% balance prior to shipment.
And you do not have to pay the 15% deposit for 3 orders alltogether. Like the order of this round, you only need to pay us the 15% deposit within in this month, and pay the balance on around 7/20. Thanks.