交强险 英文

2025-01-20 20:46:36

中文摘要 机动车交通事故责任强制保险制度研究(摘 要)机动车正在走进千家万户,它在给现代社会带来方便和效益的同时,也让无数家庭遭受车祸的巨大创痛。针对这一严重的社会问题,我国新颁布的《道路交通安全法》确立了机动车一方对非机动车一方承担无过错责任,同时,该法要求以此责任为标的,建立机动车交通事故责任强制保险(简称“机动车强责险”,下同)和交通事故社会救助基金制度(简称“救助基金”)。从世界立法经验来看,机动车强责险制度既可以使受害人在车祸后获得及时而基本的损害赔偿,又可通过强制保险的方式分散交通事故责任主体(即“被保险人一方”)的过重的责任负担,还兼顾保险人基本商业利益。简而言之,它保证了受害第三人、保险人、被保险人这三方主体的利益的平衡,是一个既维护社会正义,又符合社会效益最大化原则的良好制度。笔者借鉴政治经济学中的法律经济学、伦理学方法和新制度经济学的“社会成本”理论,对这一强制责任保险制度进行深入地研究,发现这一制度不仅具有“强制投保”、“无过错归责”、“保本微利经营”、“第三人直接求偿”和“救助基金补充”等鲜明的特点,而且在被保险人的范围的扩张、保险人的不保事项减少、受害第三人权益扩张等方面,也与任意责任保险存在着不小的差异。笔者将结合各国的立法经验和我国的实际,分别对机动车强责险的基础理论、机动车强责险的保险标的、被保险人、保险人、受害第三人等重大问题进行专题研究,并在本文的最后提出立法建议。具体而言,本文的结构和大致内容如下: 在第一章中,笔者阐述了机动车强责险的基本理论。在第一节中,笔者首先介绍了机动车强责险的概念、特征和功能。在第二节中,笔者采用新制度经济学的伦理分析、利益博弈分析和法的价值渊源分析等理论方法来分析机动车强责险的制度机理,指出该制度是一种“效率与正义兼顾”的制度。在第三节中,笔者简要列举了发达国家和地区的机动车强责险制度,总结了它们的成功经验。在第二章中,笔者主要是分析机动车强责险的保险标的:机动车交通事故无过错责任。笔者首先在第一节中指出了研究这一无过错责任是研究整个机动车强责险的逻辑起点和归宿。在第二节中,笔者借用法律经济分析工具,分析了要求机动车一方对交通事故采用无过错责任的立法动因,笔者认为这不仅是“以人为本”和“维护社会正义”的要求,而且无过错责任既能“激励”机动车一方提高注意义务,减少交通事故,又能通过强制责任保险这一配套措施来使侵权责任社会化,因此,这一制度维护了一种有效率的正义。在第三节中,笔者对世界范围内的机动车交通事故责任的立法状况进行了实证考察。在第四节中,笔者指出了机动车交通事故采用无过错责任适用中的几个例外情况。在第五节中,笔者根据“有效率的正义”的理念,阐述了机动车交通事故无过错责任应当适用过失相抵。在第三章中,笔者对机动车强责险中的被保险人一方(包括投保人和被保险人)进行专题研究。在第一节中,笔者简要地阐述了投保人与被保险人的概念、主要义务等基本理论。在第二节中,笔者研究了机动车强责险中被保险人的范围的扩张问题,指出除了指名被保险人之外,还应当有附加被保险人。最后一节中,笔者提及了被保险人的性别、年龄、驾驶记录等应当成为制定机动车强责险的保险费率时的参考因素。在第四章中,笔者对机动车强责险中保险人进行专题研究。笔者先在第一节中阐述了保险人的概念、权利与义务等基础理论。在第二节中,笔者专门探讨了机动车强责险的保险责任范围。在第三节中,笔者特意研究保险人的保险代位权的涵义及其在机动车强责险中的适用等问题。在第四节中,笔者专门研究了保险人对被保险人的追偿权问题,指出它和保险人的保险代位权的行使对象虽然不同,但功能类似,两者都是为了补偿保险人不应有损失,并制裁交通事故的最终责任人,总之,它们都有利于维护一种“有效率的正义”。在第五章中,笔者专门对机动车强责险中的受害第三人问题进行研究。这一章是本文的重点。在第一节中,笔者首先分析了受害第三人的概念、特征及其在该强制保险中的法律地位。在第二节中,笔者专门分析了受害第三人的范围问题,指出我国机动车强责险的受害第三人的范围应当适当扩大。在第三节中,笔者系统而全面地分析了受害第三人对保险人的直接请求权问题,先后分析了该权利的法律依据、来源、特征、行使等方面的问题。这一节是本章的重点,也就是本文的重中之重。在第四节中,笔者较为详尽地探讨了社会救助基金的作用、运作和管理及其与机动车强责险的关系。在最后一节中,笔者探讨了受害人的“抢救费用请求权的”的法律性质和行使问题。在本文的最后一章,笔者主要是针对我国的机动车强责险的立法现状,提出了具体的立法建议。这也是笔者创新点较集中的一章。在第一节中,笔者简要地分析我国机动车强责险的立法沿革和现状,指出了其中的不足。在第二节中,笔者就机动车强责险的立法模式、保险人、被保险人、受害第三人、监管等方面提出了改进建议。在第三节中,笔者分析了现代事故赔偿的归责原则客观化和损失承担社会化的趋势。本文的创新和特色之处表现在以下方面: 首先是方法上的创新。笔者将法律的经济分析方法(如汉德公式)和传统法学方法相结合,分析了机动车交通事故采用无过错责任的根本原因:让容易控制事故风险的机动车一方来提高其注意义务,既能够最大化地节约社会成本,又维护社会安全和秩序,因而,能够在全社会实现一种“有效率的正义”。其次是观念上的创新。其一,笔者通过对机动车交通事故无过错责任的法律经济分析发现:无过错责任其实就是一种法定的公平责任归责原则,因此,整个侵权责任的归责体系可重新整合为过错责任和公平责任(包括无过错责任和酌定的公平责任)这两大归责类型;其二,笔者认为不应简单地将机动车强责险制度看作是“以人为本”的伦理精神的产物,其实,该制度还蕴涵着深刻的法律经济学和法律社会学原理:它恰到好处地处理了保险人、被保险人、受害第三人之间的相互博弈和彼此制衡的关系,实现了一种“有效率的正义”。最后是制度上的创新。笔者就机动车强责险整个制度和该制度下的三方主体具体制度建设方面提出了不少新观点。主要有我国的机动车强责险应采用专门立法的模式,正确厘定保险费率,赋予保险人代位求偿权和追偿权,完善社会救助基金制度,完善监管制度等等。

外文摘要 Study of the System of Motor Vehicle Compulsory Liability Insurance(ABSTRACT) Motor vehicles are being used by thousands of families, which not only bring convenience and benefit for the people, but also let numerous families suffer to pain hugely because of the traffic accident. This has being a serious social problem now. For this, the SAFE LAW OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC, which was enacted recently, provides that the mobile holders are liable to the traffic accident victims subject to the no-fault liability. Besides, that law request to build up the mobile compulsory liability insurance (hereinafter referred to as “MCLI”) system, with an object to establish a system of community salvation fund (hereinafter referred to as “CSF”) for the traffic accident. From the experience of legislation all over the world, the system of MCLI enables the victims to gain the indemnity promptly after the traffic accident, scatters the overweight responsibility burden of the traffic accident liabilitiers (namely" the insured") in the way of compulsory insurance, and gives attention to the insurers’ basic commercial benefits. In a word, ensuring the balance of the interests among the victim, the insurer and the insured, it is a right system that not only maintains the social justice, but also accords with the principle of maximizing the social benefits. By using the law economics, ethics analysis, sociological method, the theory of " social cost" to study the system of MCLI, it has been discovered in this article that this system not only has remarkable characteristics such as "making contact compulsorily", "undertaking no-fault liability", "the operation with tiny interests", "the third party’s direct request for compensation" and "supplement to CSF" etc, but also has significant difference with the discretionary liability insurance in the aspect of extending the scope of the insured, increasing the responsibilities of the insurer, and enlarging the right of the third party. Combining the legislative experience in other countries and the practice in China, the research is separately on the important issues such as the foundation theories, the insurance object, the insured, the insurer and the third party of MCLI etc, and a legislative proposal is advanced in the final part of this article. In detail, the structure and the content of this article is as follows: In chapter 1, the basic theories of MCLI are explained. First of all, in section 1, the concept, character and foundation of MCLI are introduced. In section 2, by adopting the analytical method of the game for interest, ethics and axiology to analyze the system mechanism of MCLI, it is pointed out that this system is a "efficiency-and-justice considering" (named “a efficient-justice ”)system, which is an innovation in this article. In section 3, the systems of MCLI in advanced countries and regions are simply listed, and their successful experience is summarized. In chapter 2, the insurance object of the MCLI (the mobile traffic accident indemnity responsibility without fault) is mainly analyzed. Firstly, the significance of the research on this indemnity responsibility is pointed in section 1, where it is also mentioned that this research is a logic departure and an end of the research on the whole MCLI. In section 2, by using the economic analysis of law, it is discussed the reason of establishing the system of the traffic accident responsibility without the fault. I emphasize that we should not comprehends its lawmaking purpose only with the traditional principle for" make people the center", however, we should understand that this system can the decrease traffic accident by stimulating the motor vehicle’s duty of attention, and then cut down mobile holders’ burdens of responsibility by MCLI, thus minimize "social cost". These points are ones of my most important theories innovations. In section 3, the fact of the legislation of the traffic accident no-fault liability all over the world is introduced. In section 4, some exceptional examples of the mobile traffic accident no-fault liability are discussed. In section 5,the problem of “contributory negligence” is discussed according to the idea of “efficiency-and-justice considering”. In chapter 3, a research on the insured (including the policy appliance and the insured) is made so as to resolve the relevant legal issues. In section 1, the basic theories such as the concept, main duty of the policy appliance and the insured are outlined. In section 2, the extension of the scope of the insured in MCLI is studied, and it is pointed out that there shall be the additional insured other than the indicated insured. In the last section, it is mentioned that the gender, age, driver record of the insured shall be the reference factors in determining the rate of premium of MCLI. In chapter 4, the special subject is the insurer of MCLI. First, the foundation theories such as the concept, right and duty of the insurer are elaborated in section 1. In section 2, the insurance range of MCLI is discussed especially. In section 3, the issues such as the connotation, function and appliance of the insurer’ right of subrogation in MCLI are particularly studied. In section 4, the insurer’s right of making track for the insured exclusively is discussed, and it is pointed out that although its object is not the same as that of the right of subrogation, their function are similar, both of which are to compensate the insurer’s loss and to punish the ultimate responsible of the traffic accident. In sum, they are both advantageous to maintain the efficient justice. In chapter 5, the research is focused on the third victim party. This chapter is the keystone of this article. In section 1, the third victim party's concept, characteristics and legal status in MCLI are analyzed. In section 2, the range of the third victim party in MCLI is discussed deeply, and it is pointed out that the range of the third victim party in our country should be enlarged. In section 3, the third victim party’s right to the insurer directly, such as the right’s source, characteristics and execution etc. are systematically and comprehensively analyzed. This section is the significant part of this chapter, which is also the keystone of this article. In section 4, the function, operation, management of the community salvation fund as well as the relation between the fund and the MCLI are discussed in detail. In the final section, the legal nature and the execution of the third victim party’s right to the salvage expenses claim are discussed. In the last chapter, according to the current legislation on the MCLI in China, the concrete suggestions are proposed, where the authors’ innovative ideas are concentrated. In section 1, after a brief analysis, the shortages of the current legislation on the MCLI in China are pointed out. In section 2, the new suggestions on the legislative model, the insurer and the insured of MCLI, the third victim party and the supervision, etc is brought forward. In section 3, the objectivity of the responsible principle of modern accident compensation and the trend of loss-bearing socialization are analyzed. The creative work and the feature in this article are as follows: The first is the innovation on the idea. The author uses the economic analysis method (for example: “Hand Formula”) and the law analysis method to elaborate the basic reason of adopting no-fault liability in traffic accidence: Raise the mobile holders’ duty of attention, thus minimize the social cost, and realize “the efficient justice” in our society. The second is the innovation on the methodology. First of all, the author finds that the no-fault liability is in fact a kind of equity liability, and so the whole tort liability system consists of fault liability and equity liability (including no-fault liability and discretional equity liability). Forth mover, the author believes that the MCLI shall not be simply regarded as the outcome of the ethical spirit of "make people the center", and as a fact, this system contains the profound principles of law economics and law sociology: Correctly handling with the relations among the insurer, the insured and the victim, this system also realizes the “efficient justice”. The final is the innovation on the system. There are some of my new ideas on the right and duty of the parties in MCLI, such as the insurer’s subrogation to other injurer, etc. Another example is, it is proposed that the MCLI shall have its unique legislation, the insurance rate shall be properly set, the insurer shall be granted the rights of subrogation and claim, the system of community salvation fund shall be completed, and the system of supervision shall be perfected, etc.


Auto Insurance and Traffic Fatalities
"No-fault limits on driver liability in an accident, by diminishing the possibility of being sued, increase fatalities by about 10 percent."


When states adopt compulsory automobile insurance regulations and no-fault liability laws, some drivers may become a little more lax or relaxed. They may drive slightly faster or a little less cautiously, aware that the financial and legal consequences of an accident are reduced. They may be somewhat less likely to use seat belts and more likely to buy an old car without air bags, or to drink and drive, or simply to drive more often and further. As a result, the number of traffic fatalities increases, according to a study by Alma Cohen and Rajeev Dehejia. In The Effect of Automobile Insurance and Accident Liability Laws on Traffic Fatalities (NBER Working Paper No. 9602), they find that no-fault limits on driver liability in an accident, by diminishing the possibility of being sued, increase fatalities by about 10 percent.

That increase is significant. Traffic accidents claim over 40,000 lives each year in the United States, roughly the same as the total number of Americans killed during the Vietnam War, Cohen and Dehejia note. Americans spend roughly $100 billion each year on automobile insurance premiums, and they bear more than $250 billion of uninsured accident costs each year. So the impact of introducing no-fault insurance has meant an additional 5,160 to 6,450 lives lost in the United States, depending on the year, the authors calculate. Economists call such consequences �moral hazard costs.�

For this study, Cohen and Dehejia analyzed data from 50 states and the District of Columbia for 1970-98, a period during which most states adopted compulsory insurance requirements and 16 states adopted no-fault automobile insurance. By 1997, 45 states had compulsory insurance laws, although there were variations in the amount of insurance required and the methods of enforcement.

The introduction of compulsory insurance laws did lead to a reduction in the number of uninsured motorists. Compared to a base level of 12.9 percent, the number of uninsured motorists fell by 2.4 percentage points. The authors note that the introduction of compulsory insurance requirements made no difference to those who were already buying insurance voluntarily, but did have an effect on those individuals who were not previously buying insurance and chose to do so because of compulsory insurance, and on those individuals who chose to remain uninsured. Drivers who remained uninsured despite the new requirement in theory drove more cautiously, for fear of being in an accident, so their number of fatalities likely dropped. But drivers forced to buy insurance and now facing diminished liability in case of an accident might have driven less carefully, increasing accidents and fatalities. Looking at the data, the authors find a 2 percent increase in fatalities for each percentage point decrease in uninsured mot orists. So, compulsory insurance is �not an unmitigated good,� the authors write.

These findings may be useful in assessing the social desirability of policy shifts in automobile insurance and no-fault liability rules. Though there are many positive aspects of compulsory insurance (such as greater assurance that the costs of an accident, including vehicle replacement or medical needs, will be compensated to some extent) and no-fault liability rules (such as reducing the court and other legal and administrative costs associated with driving and traffic accidents), the authors suggest that both policies also had unintended negative consequences in terms of increased fatalities. These consequences must also be taken into account.

-- David R. Francis


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