求一首很悲伤的英文歌 女声.急急急!!哒人帮帮我.!!!

2024-12-16 23:42:40

- Sing :Sarah Brightman

斯卡博洛市集(Scarborough Fair)原是一首古老(大约作于十三世纪)的苏格兰民间谜歌(riddle song)。歌曲的主人是一个被情人抛弃的男人。尽管歌词充满诗意和微妙的情调,但在中世纪时期只能算是民歌,而不可能是贵族的作品。那个年代,贵族和骑士们只能远远地对一个女人在心里暗暗爱慕,而那样的倾情几乎是不可能得到回响的。Scarborough Fair就蕴涵着歌者对她的离开缘由毫无所知,或者原因过于复杂也就根本不予提及。歌者给他的心上人安排了不可能完成的事情,意味着有时候爱情需要突破日常生活中似乎不可能的壁障才有希望。如果她能试图去做那些不可能完成的事情,那么她只得返回到他的身边向他求救,于是爱情就有希望得并哪到自然的展开和延续。或许就像常说的那样,every heart grows merry in time.

歌中提到四种植物--芫荽、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香。按照那些相信植物疗法的人的看法,芫荽Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)具有治疗消化不良的功能。比如,据说吃菠菜的时候如果嚼一片芫荽树叶的话就能让菠菜的苦味消失,并易于消化。因此在中世纪芫荽被赋予一定的精神寓意的。鼠尾草Sage (Salvia officinalis)的象征有着数千年的历史,代表着力量。迷迭香Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)表示忠诚,挚爱和挂念。古希腊时男人就送给自己的恋人以迷迭香来表达爱慕,今天在欧洲新娘还有在头上别上迷迭简粗香树枝的习俗。据说迷迭香能让人敏感和谨慎,于是在古罗马当一个人面对精神压力的时候,大夫常常建议放一小袋迷迭香树叶子于枕头下面。迷迭香有时候用作比喻女性的爱,尽管有些迟缓,却强劲并持续长久。在神话传说中的中秋之夜,国王在荒野的百里香Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)丛林中与神仙们狂舞。但百里香一般象征勇气,在中世纪时骑士的盾牌上就有他的女人给他绣上的百里香的图像。于是,垂头丧气的歌者用这四种在中世纪众所绝咐码周知的植物,期望他的心上人能够用爱的温柔来消融他们之间的误会和痛苦,用毅力来度过他们分离的艰难时光,用忠诚来陪伴孤独的日子,用勇气去挑战那些不可能的事情并最终回到他的身旁。

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine

Tell her to make me a cambric shirt

(On the side of a hill in the deep forest green)
Parsely, sage, rosemary & thyme
(Tracing a sparrow on snow-crested ground)
Without no seams nor needlework
(Blankets and bedclothes a child of the mountains)
Then she'll be a true love of mine
(Sleeps unaware of the clarion call)
Tell her to find me an acre of land

(On the side of a hill, a sprinkling of leaves)
Parsely, sage, rosemary, & thyme
(Washed is the ground with so many tears)
Between the salt water and the sea strand
(A soldier cleans and polishes a gun)
Then she'll be a true love of mine

Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather

(War bellows, blazing in scarlet battalions)
Parsely, sage, rosemary & thyme
(Generals order their soldiers to kill)
And to gather it all in a bunch of heather
(And to fight for a cause they've long ago forgotten)
Then she'll be a true love of mine

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine



