Luanne meaning and name origin (卢安妮的意思以及起源)
Luanne \
lu(an)-ne\ as a girl's name is a variant of Luana (Hawaiian), and the meaning of Luanne is "enjoyment".
The baby name Luanne sounds like Lianne, Leanne, Louanne, Luannie, Luanna, Luann and Luane. Other similar baby names are Lianna, Leanna, Lannie, Lanny, Lanna, Deanne, Dianne, Danne, Duane, Laine, Hanne, Janne, Jeanne, Joanne, Lanae, Layne, Lanie, Lane, Leyanne, Leianne, Leeanne, Leann, Liann, Liane, Liahne, Lynne, Lizanne, Louanna, Luannah, Luanda, Louann, Lusine, Lucine, Reanne, Rianne, Roanne, Zanne, Sueanne, Suanny, Tianne and Ysanne.
Popularity of Luanne (卢安妮名字的欢迎度)
Luanne is a very popular first name for women (#1276 out of 4276) but an uncommon surname or last name for all people. (1990 U.S. Census)
Displayed below is the baby names popularity of the name Luanne for girls. (2010 statistics) Compare Luanne with its source form and related girl baby names.