1、微积分 Calculus,Frank Ayres,Jr. and Elliott Mendelson,Mc Graw Hill Intl Editions
2、线性代数 Linear Algebra,Seymour Lipschutz,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions
3、常微分方程 Differential Equation,Richard Bronson,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions
4、偏微分方程 Partial Differential Equation,Paul DuChateau and David W.Zachmann
5、复变函数 Complex Variables,Murray R. Spiegel,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions
6、数值分析 Numerical Analysis,Fracis Scheid,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions
7、概率与随机过程 Paobability,Random Variables and Random Processes,Hwei Hsu
8、傅里叶分析 Fouries Analysis,Murray R. Spiegel,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions
9、拉普拉斯变换 Laplace Transforms,Murray R. Spiegel,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions
10、统计学 Staistics,Murray R. Spiegel and Larry J.Stephens,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions
11、离散数学 Discrete Mathematics,Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lipson
12、矢量分析 Vector Analysis,Murray R. Spiege,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions
13、张量分析 Tensor Calculus,David C. Kay,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions
14、群论 Group Theory,Benjamin Baumslag and Bruce Chandler
15、微分几何 Differential Geometry,Martin Lipschultz,McGraw Hill Hill Intl Editions