1. 证书需要公证件,在读证明需中英文原件
2. 两个办法.要不就自己翻译好给学校盖章,然后密封寄学校.要不就用中文件做公证,公证件给学校.不要改成绩,改了就是做假材料.
3. 自己填
4. 好好考
5. 申请coursework基本不需要资格证书,再说你寄复印件,还是中文的,老师哪看的懂
6. 7.可有可无
It should have checklist in the application form, which specifies the documents you need. Normally they are looking for certified copies for degree, diploma and academic record etc. Sometimes CV and personal statement will support your application.
Courseworks degree is relatively easy to get admission no matter what school you are applying for. I mean you will make it if you get the visa.