most of whom were born before 1835 定语从句,
practiced 和后面的and were securely established...句子的谓语
in a mode在一个模式,什么模式?
self -taught and monopolized by landscape subject matter 作后置定语修饰mode
后边n个分句都是描述older painter的 可以看为排比句
1practiced in a mode often self -taught and 2monopolized by landscape subject matter
3were securely established in and 4fostered by the reigning American art
organization, the National Academy of Design.
and是连接词 可以理解为;号
这其实就是由一系列的从句构成的长句。self taught 前面省略了which was 。self taught 和 后面的这一串句子都是来说明 mode的。
The older painters, most of whom were born before 1835, practiced in a mode.是主句。后面的成分都是mode的修饰语。