计算机基础 Basis of Computer Engineering
大学英语 College English
C语言 Programming Language C
高等数学 Advanced Mathematics
VB Visual Basic
法律基础 Fundamentals of Law
MATLAB Matlab 数学软件?这不就是英文么
数据原理与应用 SQL Server
网页设计与制作 Website design and construction
JAVA ...
数据结构 data structure
操作系统 operating system
多媒体 multimedia
大型数据库 large data base/data bank
计算机网络与通信 Computer Networks and Communication
专业英语 Specialty English
局域网 local area network (LAN)
网络安全与管理 Internet Security and Management
计算机图形学与图像处理 Computer Graphics and Image Processing
计算机动画与游戏设计 Computer Animation and Game Design
Foundation of the computer , university English , C language , higher mathematics , VB , legal foundation,
MATLAB, principle of the data and application, webpage design and making , JAVA , tertiary network , structure of the data , operating system , multimedia , large-scale database , computer network and communication,
Specialized English , LAN , online security and management , network design program, the computer figure is studied and designed etc. with pattern process , computer cartoon and game
Computer Basic,Collage English,C programming language,Advanced Mathematics,VB,等等