recently my life has been as like as before.i have no news and my workmate
gets angry with me every day,and i still smile,as if all the words he said are like air .Because this is Gives us hopes and ruins our chances.But we still try our best to make our lives well
Nothing new happened recently. my colleague(同事) was hot-tempered and easy to anger. but I just ignore all this negative things and keep my smile. hope is a good thing. and a person with smile is easy to get good chances. we should try our best to achive our goals and realize our dreams.
Recently my life is just like before,without anything new.Every day my workmate
gets angry,but I am still smile,as if all words is meanleness.Because the life is
just like this,giving us hopes and ruining our chances.But we should still try our best to make our lives better.句子不太通啊,所以不太理解你要表达的意思,按着自己理解的改了下……不一定理解的对……ruins our chances貌似比较消极啊,最好改一下。生活还是给了我们很多机会的嘛~