
2025-01-02 09:53:04

1 .-- all things, a lot of information, all kinds of things are very neat, very informative various classifications.
--送货采取送货上门,这就解决很多麻烦,比如可以当场验货,不满意可以立刻退货。 -- To take door-to-door delivery, which solve many problems, such as spot inspection, or not immediately returned. 而且免运费。 And free shipping.
--网站功能是买东西的,不是双方买卖的,各种东西。 -- Site function is to buy things, not the sale of the two sides, all kinds of things.
--卖品图文并茂,各种优惠措施。 -- Illustrated for sale, all kinds of incentives. 很多很人性化的考虑。 Many humane considerations.
--采用蓝,绿,为主色调。 -- Use of blue, green, and the main colours. 标题采用猪肝色大体字,关键字采用红色。 Heading the word generally used pig livers color, using red keyword. 一切很清楚。 All very clear.

2.--广告语“当当网,全球最大的中文网上商城”很好的说明。 2 .-- advertising phrase "Dangdang Network, the world's largest Chinese online mall" very good explanation.
--内容很全,包括很多种类,英语,影视,软件,游戏,电子,百货,图书等等。 -- Is the whole content, including many types of English, film, software, games, electronics, department stores, and books and so on.
--付款方式多种多样,货到付款,网上支付,邮局汇款,银行转帐,帐户余额支付,当当荣誉卡支付,支票支付。 -- Payment methods varied, Delivery, online payment, post office remittances, bank transfer, account balance of payments, Dangdang honor card payment by cheque. 方便各种人群。 Convenience of the crowd.
--当当网LOGO是绿和橘红,所以网页主色调也是绿和橘红,很符合风格统一的。 -- Dangdang network LOGO Green and Juhong, page main colours are green and Juhong, it is in line with a unified style.
--每种东西可以很快找到,强大的搜索功能,大大节省时间。 -- Each things can be quickly found, a powerful search function, greatly save time.

3.--主要卖索尼的东西,电视机,摄影机,摄像机,笔记本电脑,随身听等。 3 .-- Sony's main selling things, television sets, cameras, video cameras, laptops, and other players. 主页都说明的很清晰。 Home shows a very clear.
--订购方式有在线订购,送货上门。 -- Subscription online ordering, door-to-door. 付款是货到付款,银行电汇,邮局电汇,反正也是相当的方便。 Payment is cash on delivery, bank wire transfer, wire transfer offices, anyway is quite convenient.
--网站是用flash制作,相当的炫。 -- Website with flash production, a considerable Xuan. 体现了他的商品以外观为卖点。 He embodies the commodity appearance as a selling point. 网站有各种版本的,有FLASH,HTML,RSS.首页采用标签的方式。 There are various versions of the site, FLASH, HTML, RSS. Home labelling methods used.
--颜色主基调是灰和蓝,很简洁的感觉。 -- Color is the main tone gray and blue, feeling very simple.
--同样搜搜索功能。 -- Found the same search function.

4.--这网站给我看来像是个菜市场,什么都有,主页什么广告一大堆,还每日一句名句,太杂太乱了,还有各种网站链接,在我看来这是很不好的,还是专做自己购物就好,就是太杂乱了,缺乏条理 4 .-- This site seems to me like a vegetable market and what have, a lot of advertising what Home, a once daily, too Sawata turmoil, there are various kinds of Web site links, it seems to me that it is very good, or the like to do their own shopping, too cluttered, the lack of coherent
--缺乏设计,根本就没有什么设计。 -- Lack of design, there is no design.
--经过调查,支付,送货,优惠也十分混乱,很多不值得信任,让人很担忧。 -- After an investigation, payment, delivery, offers very chaotic, a lot of trust, people are worried.
--特别讨厌浮游广告,首页放太多东西了,缺乏简洁。 -- Especially hate zooplankton advertising, Home put too much stuff, the lack of simplicity.

5.--这个网站还是感觉乱,杂。 5 .-- feel this site or chaos, miscellaneous. 花花绿绿的,图片一闪一闪的让人觉得很不舒服。 Colorful, flash flash picture of the impression that very uncomfortable.
--网页导航很差,觉得很难找到东西,广告成分居多。 -- Site Map poor, find it difficult to find things, mostly advertising components.
--这网站什么都想做,这样不会给人留下印象。 -- What wanted this site so that people would not have been impressed.
--首页有测是否要减肥测试,我键入任何体重都说我超重,所以让人担心网站是不是在欺骗。 -- Home is to test whether the test diet, I said I type any excess weight, so people worry that the website is not in the deception.
--首页最后太多链接,打广告很严重。 -- Home last too many links, advertising is very serious.

6.--初次进入网站速度很慢,色彩很多,眼花缭乱,而且完全是拷贝淘宝的格局,连名字都差不多。 6 .-- initial entry site were slow, and many colors, dazzling, but completely copy the pattern of Taobao, even names are similar.
--字体也很糟糕,还有个板块吹嘘着网站的,很假的啊 -- Fonts are also very bad, and a plate boasting a website, it is false ah
--很多板块是可有可无的。 -- Many of the plates are dispensable.


1. --Thing very entire, the information are very many, each kind of thing arrangement is very neat, each kind of classification is very detailed. --Delivers goods adopts delivers goods to the doorstep, this solution very many troublesomeness, for instance may inspect goods on the scene, unsatisfied may return goods immediately.Moreover exempts the transport expense. --The website function is goes shopping, is not both sides buys and sells, each kind of thing. --Sells is abundant and elegant, each kind of preferential measure.Very many very user friendly consideration. --Uses blue, green, primarily tone.The title uses the liver colored character, the key words uses roughly red.All are very clear. 2. --Advertisement language “ding-dong net, on global biggest Chinese net commercial city” very good explanation. --Contents very entire, including very many types, English, film and television, software, game, electron, general merchandise, books and so on. --Payment method many and varied, the delivery payment, on the net pays, post office remittance, bank account transfer, balance of account payment, ding-dong honor card payment, check payment.Facilitates each kind of crowd. --Ding-dong net LOGO is green and the tangerine, therefore the homepage host tone also is green and the tangerine, conforms to the style unification very much. --Each kind of thing may find very quickly, the formidable search function, saves the time greatly. 3. --Mainly sells Sony's thing, the television, the camera, the camera, the notebook computer, listens to and so on along with.The main page all explains very clearly. --The order way has the online order, delivers goods to the doorstep.The payment is deliveries the payment, the bank cable transfer, the post office telegraphic transfer, also is suitable convenient in any case. --The website is manufactures with flash, suitable dazzling.Has manifested his commodity take the outward appearance as the selling point.The website has each kind of edition, has the FLASH, HTML, RSS. home page to use the label the way. --The color host main key is the ash and blue, very succinct feeling. --Similarly searches for the search function. 4. --This website to me looked like is likely a grocer, anything has, a main page any advertisement big pile, but also the daily famous phrase, too mixed too has been chaotic, but also has each kind of website link, in my opinion this is very not good, makes oneself shopping to be good specially, was too disorderly, lacked orderliness --Lacks the design, does not have what design. --After the investigation, the payment, delivers goods, the preferential benefit extremely is also chaotic, very many is not worth trusting, lets the human worry very much. --The specially repugnant float advertisement, the home page put too many things, lacked succinctly. 5. --This website feels chaotically, mixed.Colorful, as soon as the picture dodges lets the human think is very uncomfortable. --The homepage navigation is very bad, thought very difficult to find the thing, the advertisement ingredient majority. --This website anything wants to do, like this cannot make the impression to the human. --The home page has measured whether has to lose weight the test, I enter any body weight all to say my overload, therefore lets the human worry the website is deceiving. --The home page finally too links, hits the advertisement to be very serious. 6. --First enters the website speed to be very slow, the color are very many, is dazzled, moreover is completely the copy washes the valuable pattern, including name all almost. --The typeface is also very bad, but also has a tectonic plate to boast the website, very false --Very many tectonic plates are dispensable.


1 .-- all things, a lot of information, all kinds of things are very neat, very informative various classifications.
-- To take door-to-door delivery, which solve many problems, such as spot inspection, or not immediately returned. And free shipping.
-- Site function is to buy things, not the sale of the two sides, all kinds of things.
-- Illustrated for sale, all kinds of incentives. Many humane considerations.
-- Use of blue, green, and the main colours. Heading the word generally used pig livers color, using red keyword. All very clear.

2 .-- advertising phrase "Dangdang Network, the world's largest Chinese online mall" very good explanation.
-- Is the whole content, including many types of English, film, software, games, electronics, department stores, and books and so on.
-- Payment methods varied, Delivery, online payment, post office remittances, bank transfer, account balance of payments, Dangdang honor card payment by cheque. Convenience of the crowd.
-- Dangdang network LOGO Green and Juhong, page main colours are green and Juhong, it is in line with a unified style.
-- Each things can be quickly found, a powerful search function, greatly save time.

3 .-- Sony's main selling things, television sets, cameras, video cameras, laptops, and other players. Home shows a very clear.
-- Subscription online ordering, door-to-door. Payment is cash on delivery, bank wire transfer, wire transfer offices, anyway is quite convenient.
-- Website with flash production, a considerable Xuan. He embodies the commodity appearance as a selling point. There are various versions of the site, FLASH, HTML, RSS. Home labelling methods used.
-- Color is the main tone gray and blue, feeling very simple.
-- Found the same search function.

4 .-- This site seems to me like a vegetable market and what have, a lot of advertising what Home, a once daily, too Sawata turmoil, there are various kinds of Web site links, it seems to me that it is very good, or the like to do their own shopping, too cluttered, the lack of coherent
-- Lack of design, there is no design.
-- After an investigation, payment, delivery, offers very chaotic, a lot of trust, people are worried.
-- Especially hate zooplankton advertising, Home put too much stuff, the lack of simplicity.

5 .-- feel this site or chaos, miscellaneous. Colorful, flash flash picture of the impression that very uncomfortable.
-- Site Map poor, find it difficult to find things, mostly advertising components.
-- What wanted this site so that people would not have been impressed.
-- Home is to test whether the test diet, I said I type any excess weight, so people worry that the website is not in the deception.
-- Home last too many links, advertising is very serious.

6 .-- initial entry site were slow, and many colors, dazzling, but completely copy the pattern of Taobao, even names are similar.
-- Fonts are also very bad, and a plate boasting a website, it is false ah
-- Many of the plates are dispensable.