【摘要】中学课教学面临的一个较为突出的问题就是:学生对课学习缺乏足够的兴趣。随着高中新课程改革的不断深入展开,如何实现新课程的理念要求,促进学生学习积极性的提高,培养学习兴趣,成为每个高中课教师面临的重要课题。【关键词】思想课教学;学习兴趣;激发;教学效果Students of political interest in learning how to improve thinking and countermeasuresHu Ying【Abstract】Middle School Politics Teaching facing a more prominent uestion is: Students learn political lessons lack sufficient interest. With the new high school curriculum reform deepening launched the idea of how to implement the new curriculum reuirements, to promote the improvement of student learning enthusiasm to cultivate interest in learning, as every high school political teachers face an important issue.【Key words】Ideological and political teaching; Learning interests; Inspire; Teaching effectiveness兴趣是学生学习的内在动力,是推动学生进行研究性学习与获得创新能力的一种强烈欲望,更是决定教学成败的关键。(剩余字)