Determining available short circuit fault currents is one of the most important aspects of designing power distribution systems. Short circuits and their effects must be considered in selecting electrical equipment, circuit protection devices, carrying out arc flash analysis.
The short circuit calculator presented on www.arcadvisor.com web-site is
offered in effort to satisfy the need for a convenient, comprehensive method of calculating fault currents. It is intended for radial and looped low-and medium-voltage circuits. The calculator allows to quickly and easily obtain accurate potential short circuit currents at each node (bus) in a power distribution system.
在www.arcadvisor.com 网站上提供的电流短路分析设备,就是为了满足故障电流进行方便、全面分析的需要。该设备的目的就是为了判定径向和环形的低、中电压电流短路。它能迅速简便地获得电力分配系统中可能存在的短路电流。
This program, other programs, or hand calculation can be used to perform short-circuit calculations. Any method used requires specific data on the power distribution system. All this data is converted to short circuit MVA values (SC MVA) for each component in the system. This paper describes the data needed for each type of circuit component
and how to obtain the data. It also describes method and advantages of using the online short circuit program to calculate available short-circuit currents.
本程序、其它程序或者手工计算都能计算短路电流。任何一种方法都需要电力分配系统的专门数据。所有这些数据都被转化成系统中每个元件的MVA值(即SC MVA)。本文介绍了每种电路器件所需要的数据,以及如何获得这些数据。本文还介绍了使用在线电流短路分析程序的方法和优点,该程序能够计算出短路的电流。
The first step in analyzing a power system is to get the data for the power available at the site, the utility data. This data can be obtained from the power company. When calling the power company, explain the type of information you need and ask for the engineering department. It may be helpful to explain why you need the information.
The power company will be able to supply this information for the point in the power system where their responsibility for the power system ends and the customer’s responsibility starts. A common location for this point is the
secondary of a pole or pad mounted transformer. If the customer is responsible for the transformer, the transition point would be the primary of the transformer. Sometimes a pole mounted disconnect will be the transition point. The power company will specify where in the system their responsibility ends.
The data needed is the line to line voltage (VLL), short-circuit MVA (SC MVA), and X/R. Obtaining the voltage is simple enough. SC MVA is the power available at a bolted three phase fault. Bolted means all three phases connected together with no added impedance. X/R is the ratio of reactance to resistance in the supply. SC MVA and X/ R may need to be derived from other data.
所需要的数据是行对行电压(VLL),短路MVA(即SC MVA)和X/R。获得电压非常简单。SC MVA是指粘接在一起的三相电流故障引起的电流。所为“粘接”是指全部三相电流连接到一起而没有任何额外的阻抗。X/R是指电流供应中的阻抗比率。SC MVA和X/R需要从其它数据中单独分离出来。
Short-circuit current (ISC) is sometimes supplied by the power company rather than SC MVA. This current is the current in one phase of a three phase bolted fault. The SC MVA can be calculated from the short-circuit current using the following equation:
短路电流有时候是由电力公司引发的而不是SC MVA。这种电流是指三相电流粘接故障中某一相产生的电流。SC MVA可以用下面的公式从短路电流中计算出来:
在www.arcadvisor.com 网站上提供的短路计算器(程序)致力于满足一个方便,全面的短路故障计算的需要。它计划用于径向电路和中、低压
所有这些数据都转换成系统上每个元件的短路MVA值(SC MVA)。本文介绍了每种电路元件所需的数据和如何获取这些数据。同时也介绍了使用在
分析电源系统的第一步是从网页上取得可用功率的有关数据即有用数据(应该像表一样可查的数据)。 这些数据可以从电力公司获得。 在向电
接点,电力公司将会指出系统中哪里是他们的责任终结点。(就是他们应该负责哪些,哪 些又不是他们的责任)
所需要的是线到线的电压(VLL)数据, 短路 MVA值(SC MVA),以及 X/R。获得电压是很简单的。 SC MVA 值是在三项联接处发生故障时的可用
电源电力。三项的联接处是指所有的三项没有电阻的联接在一起。 X/R 是指电力供应中 电抗和电阻的比率。SC MVA 和 X/R 可能需要从其他
短路电流有时是电力公司提供的而不是 SC MVA。 这个电流是三项联接故障处其中一项的电流。 SC MVA 可以用短路电流计算程序应用以下的