不过从断章取义的角度来看有一点我觉得还是不错的:I remember的重复使用是段落更有力。但是其他地方我个人来讲不觉得有特别突出的地方,反而作为文学段落来看的话有一点流水账的即视感...
小小的帮助楼主一下吧;) I think the repetition of "I remember" and the concise sentences make the narrative stronger and more moving. 这是我唯一能写出来的一点赏析了,希望能帮助到你
From figure of speech,the paragaph used repeat ,to arouse people's strong feeling ,
Years later,what i remember most about that terrible night are the acts of bravery. I remember the band playing until the very end.And i remember Jack Phillips staying at the wireless . In my mind, he was the hero who saved us all.
'Terrible night' gives people idea how 'brave' the act is.
BTW, what's the meaning of 'staying at the wireless'?