宏观经济学 曼昆第七版相对于第六版 增加了什么内容

2024-12-25 20:32:06

The publisher, Palgrave-MacMillan, claims that the seventh edition balances "short-run and long-run issues in a way that emphasizes the relevance of Keynesian and classical ideas to current practice. Featuring the latest data and extensive coverage of the current financial crisis, the text has also been revised with the addition of new case studies on real-world issues such as President Obama's stimulus plan and a study of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe."

第七版强调了凯恩斯和古典理论对现有操作的联系 突出了最新的数据并广泛涉及现有的金融危机 正文新增实际上发生的诸如奥巴马总统的刺激计划和津巴布韦恶性通胀的case study