Pocahontas is Disney's thirty-third classic animation, introduced in 1995, is Disney's first true history adapted by long story cartoon
风中奇缘的女主角是一位印地安公主- Pocahontas
Pocahontas heroine is an Indian princess Pocahontas
her legend life in the United States is to make known to every family story, Disney will be the Indian princess story to the big screen,
叙述她救了英国的探险家 John Smith ,并且化解了一场异族间的战争
narrative she saved British explorer John Smith, and defuse a war between alien races.
The film stress and nature fusion and racial respect,
ending also changes Disney past the traditional happy reunion
Pocahontas 选择了留在家乡带领族人,
Pocahontas chose to stay at home to lead the race
John Smith 则受伤返回英国,留下了一个令人难以释怀的缺憾
John Smith injuries to return to England, leaving a very hard.