+$Unlimited Health - Condition is Fine [GMO]
00356FCE 00000005
*Locks up if caught in trap
$Press 2 for Condition is Fine [GMO]
2838EC72 00000100
00356FCE 00000005
E0000000 00000000
*Added Button Activator to prevent lock up during traps
+$Start with Rocket Launcher w/ Infinite Rounds [GMO]
00356FEB 0000000E
$Unlock All Modes & Costumes [GMO]
0235348A 00000FFF
$Costume Modifier [GMO]
00356FC5 000000??
*00 Default Stars Uniform
*01 Jill Army Fatigues, Chris RE-CVX Costume
*02 Jill RE3 Costume, Chris&Rebecca The Mexican costume
*06 Rebecca
$Slot 1 Item Modifier [GMO]
00356FEB 000000??
$Slot 1 Item Value [GMO]
00356FED 000000??
$Slot 2 Item Modifier [GMO]
00356FEF 000000??
$Slot 2 Item Value [GMO]
00356FDA 000000??
$Slot 3 Item Modifier [GMO]
00356FF3 000000??
$Slot 3 Item Value [GMO]
00356FF5 000000??
$Slot 4 Item Modifier [GMO]
00356FF7 000000??
$Slot 4 Item Value [GMO]
00356FF9 000000??
$Slot 5 Item Modifier [GMO]
00356FFB 000000??
$Slot 5 Item Value [GMO]
00356FFD 000000??
+$tazer always 99 and flash grenade allways 99 [12201]
00359821 00000063