一、假定提问就是What colour is there a dog in the car?(正确的应该是What colour is that dog in the car)这个明显是针对颜色提出疑问,那他的回答完全就不对了,你直接回答It's white.就行了,不能用There,后面的dog和car也完全是画蛇添足。
二、假定你的回答一定要是There is a white dog in the car。那问的就是:那边是个什么东西?What is that over there?
是对的,如果你理解不了的话,可以直接问What colour is the dog? 这样也是对的。
What colour a dog is there in the car?
我也觉得怪怪的 There is 是句型结构 应该是 What colour is the dog in the car?
错。What Is The Colour Of The Dog In The Car ? "There Is"译为“有”